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I have finished with the demo of the new game and it is downloadable at my web page.  Demo is mainly focus to present the game world and new features. You start with some some skills already unlocked and some items in your inventory to use. As soon as you leave the apartment, a short quest starts that will guide you through some features of the game. After finishing this quest, ALL of the skills are unlocked, so there is no grinding and you can view all sex positions during a scene. 

What else you can do in the demo:

 - Working as waitress, there is a scene on toilet (after skills are unlocked, there are more options)

- After skills are unlock, you can work as masseuse at the Health center with "happy ending" scene

- After skills are unlocked, you can offer services to homeless Samuel at the park

- You can visit market to buy items to view new shopping/inventory feature

- Visit different parts of the city, although there are only for visual inspection at this point of demo

I have also created a wikia page for the game to present some details:





I love it so far. There are a few bugs. However, that's to be expected but I can't wait for more!!!


i'ts kinda nice sequel please put more story and quests to this game :)