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I'm working intensively on a LOH demo and it should be out next week. It has many completely new features, such as inventory/shop system that support hundreds on items and allow to equip/uneqip them into personal slots, skill tree with around 75 unique skills, each opening new aspect of Holly's sexuality, randomly generated NPCs (as well as unique ones) that populate large game world.

But possibly most exciting new feature is a dynamic sex scene system. At the start of the scene, you have a pool of Lust points and Domination/Submissive points (amount depend on the relation with NPC). You can spend these point to initiate sex positions (hj, bj, deepthroat, missionary, doggy....) according to your will. So each scene can be completely different, depending on your preferences. For example, just a scene on restaurant toilet has 50 different possible positions, if you have all skills unlocked.  You will choose around 4-7 positions from these to play during the scene, depending how much lust points your partner has at the beginning. 

Demo next week will be focused mainly to present these new features, so I hope you will check it out and give me your input about how you like them.



Looking forward to it!!!

Hoff Man

I personally can't wait for the Male Protag., but no rush i remember you said that would come later.


Sounds fun.... let'er rip!


will there be cheats codes on release?


there will be cheat codes and the main character will already be leveled so you can try sex scenes without grinding (which is not balanced yet, anyway).


can't wait for the new game :)


exact release date?