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This was Mabel as a kitten... i came home from work and she was in the bottom of the trash can COVERED in bacon grease from breakfast that morning.... it was one of many baths Mabel would get in her bratty child hood. this was almost 18 years ago... i actually won an online photo contest with this picture.. i think it was AOL :O) 

anyways,, i just wanted to share it with you guys.. its a really special picture to me




Lol. Awesome picture. Reminds me of Bert's bath by James Flad.


What a scrappy look on her face!


What a trouble maker! Cats have such personalities! I’m a cat person myself and my all black kitten named Itty Bit was a rescue and as feisty as they come! Thanks for the memory, gosh I miss that cat!


Best part of life is it goes on bringing you unexpected perhaps wonderful things. Stay in the present my friend and face each moment as it comes and you will truly find peace. The past can’t be changed and tomorrow never comes because when it does it’s today. As you may have heard that’s why they call it the present, it’s a gift very unique and ever changing.


Thanks for sharing, it is interesting and does good for all of us.