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today at 11:30 am, Fee fee the lab cat (Mabel) died after 17 years of the most loving, devoted, special bond you can have with a pet.. this channel is about positive things and i wasnt sure wether to announce it or not but i just wanted you to know the reason for my inactivity... she had been getting progressively ill over the past couple weeks until i had to make a choice to not allow her to suffer on behalf of my not wanting her to leave me... my heart is broken. i know creating videos will help me feel better but for the moment im dieing. those of you who are animal lovers, i know understand what im in,, and the rest i can only apologize.

p.s. the above picture of her was her playing in a terrarium when she was around a year old.. she got into EVERYTHING.. and meowed almost every time i tried to film a video :O) 




Love to you and your family, doc ♥️


I just lost my dog and know your pain. Good thoughts to you, doc.


Stay strong mate. There not pets there family and it's a horrible thing to go through. You have a whole army behind you. Take care


So sorry Dr.T as an animal lover understand the pain you are going through <3


No need to apologize! Take your time. I think none of us will be bothered.


I'm so sorry to hear that! Take all the time you need to grieve, I know how awful this is and I hope you know you have our love and support! Xx


I only knew Fee Fee for a brief moment from few adorable meows. I am so very sorry. Take all the time you need.


As a fellow cat lover, I’m sending my love and condolences. Take some time to yourself and we’ll still be here when you decide to make videos again! ❤️


If I could send hugs over the internet, I would. Please take as much time as you need. We love you doc, and we'll miss her too.


My heart goes out to you. I know how difficult it can be. I lost my sparky a few years ago and he took a part of me with him. I'm going to miss hearing fee fee in the background of tinglebottom industries. It always put a little smile on my face.


Hugs Dr.


J I truly am feeling your pain. I recently like last week took our family cat of 13 years down to the vet with the full intention of having to put her down. The whole family was in ashes. I prayed to God to receive her in his arms for 20 mins at my bedside, beside myself. Your animals are family members. Know that heaven isn’t reserved for us human beings. She is with him now perfect as never before. God bless you and may you find some peace my friend.


I’m so sorry, Dr T. Take comfort in knowing that you brought as much love and joy to her life as she brought to yours. Xxoo


I hope you're holding up alright Doc. I remember hearing her in so many videos as such a welcome intrusion. She will be missed 😔


My condolences. It always hurts when family members leave us. The fur babies are the innocent ones we love that steal our hearts and takes it with them. My love for you. You bring us comfort, and now I hope we can bring you comfort with our thoughts and prayers.


Jay, I just had to drop by to comment... I am so sorry for your loss. I just lost one of my cats, who was fourteen years old, this last Thursday. She had hyperthyroidism and had been on meds for many years, but over the past six months became less and less affective until she finally refused to eat and passed peacefully in her sleep. I'm heartbroken. To me, my cats are not pets, but family. The loss is devastating, and I don't feel as though many people understand that. "It's just a cat" isn't a sentiment I understand, on the other hand. May you heal from your loss at whatever pace is most healthy for you.


My biggest condolences to you, Doc. It’s never easy to say goodbye or to make that sort of decision. Please don’t apologise for inactivity! You take as much time as you need as we all understand what you’re going through. We are all here for you.


I’m sorry to hear that. Take all the time you need mate...👍🏻


Sorry for your loss, Doc


I'm weeping for you, and praying.


Jay, I'm very sorry to hear that your beloved kitty has gone. I always find it difficult to lose a pet. Know that I am thinking of you in your time of sadness and sending hugs and well wishes to you. 😢❤❤

Nicholas Hennessey

I know your pain, Doc, I just lost a cat a few months ago, and I still tear up remembering her. I know you're strong and you can get through it. Just remember the good times and know that she's still there in your heart. Hope you have a good day. <3


So sorry ❤ Extra love to ya Jay. 😚

Uri Gressel

My condolences


I know how it feels to lose a devoted pet... We lost one of our cats, Nutmeg, to Cancer. She was an old, old cat... seemed distant, but she loved her family. Not seeking pity, as it was years ago. But I do feel for ya, doc... Been in that situation...


Hey Doc, my condolences to you in this difficult time. There's nothing that I can say that will make the loss any easier, but I hope the grief fades soon and is replaced by only the happy memories with your lost friend.


So sorry for your loss. My mom had her cat for 18 years as well so I understand your pain. My condolences. Take as much time as you need to recover Dr. T ❤💪