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heys guys, im writing this for two reasons.. to hopefully feel a little better and maybe help any of you who may experience seasonal depression (or any depression). As many of you know i live in Massachusetts,, and my whole life whenever fall hits my mood takes a massive nose dive.. that time is here, and today is particularly rough, the leaves are changing, the cold is setting in and the days are much shorter.. it crushes me. the smell of a neighbors wood stove mixed with the cold air drags me into a darkness that smothers any happines. this is the first seasonal depression ive gone thru while the channel is at a significant size and im so thankful for that,, for you.. for having people support the channel and the little bit of help i bring to people,, thank god i have you guys. i dont want to bring anyone down, i want anyone else who may be down to know your not alone and that we all have each other (maybe we can feel better together). Im not looking for attention or pitty im just trying to share some of me. patreon is so viewers can support a person who they follow but also to know them a little more personally, so this is me being real with you. i appreciate you all so much and im grateful for this channel. much love Dr.T



Best wishes to you doc! Hope things bode well for you, and I appreciate you sharing it with us.


Yeah man I know exactly how you feel. Being in the military, sometimes i cant go home for 10 months at a time. I feel it sometimes but its nice to connect to other people.


thanks for sharing Doc. We know we're not alone, and neither are you


I'm in Iceland so I really know what you're talking about. During December-January we get 2-3 hours of sun each day. The trick is to have a nicely lit apartment and take some vitamin-D!


i know what you mean dr t. i go through the seasonal blues as well :/ thanks for sharing <3


Yeah, I live in Sweden, so we also have a lot of darkness. I usually don't get depressed, just lacking energy to do things. D Vitamin really helps though.


I actually really like it when Fall comes. But im more of a winter guy, i like skiing and the look and feel if its frozen outside. Here in Germany this doesnt happen too often unfortunately :)


As another Massachusetts-based person, I hear you. The early darkness is what gets me.


Good exercise does seem to help. I've been hitting the gym more, and have a group of friends who do sports-type things (fencing, mainly), at least once a week.


I know depression well. I feel a little less alone knowing you, and some of your fans are fighting off their own . From this day, we fight together!


Being originally from New York, I get it. Ever since moving to Arizona, it's a bit better while it's still warm out. I hope we are helping with the love we have for your craft.


I live in Massachusetts too! Being raised in Florida I get seasonal depression super bad since I'm not used to the change in light. Talking to a therapist has really helped me though.


Good morning, I think you have the most amazing fans. I have seen people pour their hearts out in the comments section of your videos and others have come to their aid. The one thing they/we all have in common is that we support you and like to see you happy and successful. We all struggle with something, that makes us normal. There's nothing that you can throw out there that at least one of us hasn't dealt with. I love the community you've built here and am glad you've welcomed me into it. Hang in there and know that we'll get through this season together. Love you brother! 😘


Don't worry even if you are a doc we the community that supports you can still be your medicine. We can get through these tough times together. Appreciate all your hard work, hang in there!

Uri Gressel

Weird. My depression has been going since August.


Hey Doc, first off love y’all a man, you’re one of a kind and my favorite artist in my book! Second I wanted to share my experience with you concerning my manic depression and how I cope. Anytime I start on that downward spiral I need to consciously be aware of the many things I have that others don’t. Being grateful for the small things really brings my mood back up. Also I repeat over and over that this feeling will pass and I will feel better and that everything is going to be ok, it’s not the end of the world and I’m alive and breathing. Last but surely not least I reach out and do things out of kindness for others, whether it’s truly caring by asking how are you? To trying to get a hopeless alcoholic sober by passing what I was given to me so freely. I hope some of these might help. Much love broski




It's amazing being able to read into someone's mind. Thank you for being so open with us. We're here for you, and so very thankful of the happiness and relaxation you are able to bring us with your creativity. Perhaps it's time for us to do something to return the favor. ❤