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It has recently been brought to my attention that those who switched to the new tiers continue to receive chapter updates on Patreon. By right, those who switched to the new tier should only be receiving the weekly updates and get their rewards on Google Drive, but instead I heard that they have been receiving chapter update on Patreon for novels that they did not subscribe to.

As such, I've republished the old tiers and set a limit on them to prevent new patrons from subscribing to the legacy tier:

Hopefully this will resolves the glitch that has been happening this past month. If any. Again, if you have subscribed to the new tier, please send me a direct message to receive your rewards on Google Drive.

Thank you for your understanding.


Read Isekai

Thank Jeebus, getting like 6-10 updates a day for novels I'm not even reading was getting really annoying


Sorry about that, I wasn't aware of this until someone brought it to my attention. Please keep me updated should you continue to receive chapter updates on this page. Patrons on the new tiers should only be receiving the weekly and monthly update. It's not normal to receive the chapter update.

Read Isekai

Good to hear.... was it fixed yet? I just got an update for Demon Sword Maiden, but I'm not subscribed to that series


If you see an update with [Weekly] or [Monthly] tagged in front, that is normal, all patrons and followers should be receiving those update. However, if you get an update that starts with the novel name along with the chapter number, then please report it to me because those updates should only be available to patrons who continued to pledge to the legacy tier.

Read Isekai

I just got an update for Transcendent Chapter 305, it wasn't a [Weekly] or [Monthly] Update


305? That was released like 95 days ago and is automatically made public today... I guess I should start locking those chapters indefinitely...?

Read Isekai

oh was it released that long ago, I don't keep up with the series so I'm unsure? I guess yeah because it's been made public an email was sent out?

Read Isekai

in hindsight it's probably fine not to make chapters public on Patreon I would assume as anyone reading on this site probably has a subscription. and the public chapters will be publicly on the ReLibrary site anyways? though this problem will probably resolve itself once you've completly moved over to the weekly/monthly releases with google docs


That sounds reasonable, all the old posts will eventually become public so everyone will get notified of that... nothing much we can do about it unless I stop making every post become public after some time :/ But if you do get notified for any of the more recent posts, then there is something wrong with Patreon's system.