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Chapter 4 - There are Always People Who Don’t Get Fat No Matter What They Eat

“You… you mean that gold coins are actually the most valuable and copper are the least?” The girl asked with a dumbfounded expression.

The waiter and I nodded at the same time.

“Wuu~” the girl suddenly started crying, “I trusted that uncle that much, but he was actually lying to me, he only gave me two buns after I gave him 100 coins. I thought he was such a good person too...”

“Big scammer, big swindler, after this lady catches you, I’ll break your body into a thousand pieces.” The young lady fumed with rage as she grits her teeth.

“Hm? No matter what, if the black-hearted shopkeep who swindled you hasn’t already run away then you can find him and get your money back.”

The young girl started crying again, “wuuu...he ran already.”

“No way, did he abandon the shop? Isn’t that actually a deficit.” The waiter was also baffled.

"I...I..." The girl seemed to have something to say, she lifted her head and looked at us with tearful eyes.

"Actually, I was eating at a roadside stall..."

I don’t even know what to say… Why would a high-class lady want to eat at a random roadside stall? Wouldn’t that be unhygienic?

"Because I have never eaten at places like that before, so my curiosity got the better of me, I didn't expect... I didn't expect to come across a big swindler… wuuu~"

"And the most annoying thing was that it wasn’t even tasty. I ate less than half before being unable to continue."

No no no, the most annoying thing is how you can be so stupid.

“Okay okay, you’ve got your complaints out, but it’s time for you to go.” The waiter interrupted the girl and dragged her out, “ Don’t go bothering our customers.”

The girl was unwilling, she clung to the nearest pillar and started to cry, “woo… this lady is so pitiful and you want to drive me away? Don’t you have any sympathy?”

“I don’t know whether you are pitiful or not, but if my boss finds out I let you stay here then I’ll definitely be fired.”

The waiter tried his best to pull the girl away, but she stubbornly clung on to the pillar like an octopus. He tried for a long time, but the girl just wouldn’t budge.

“I won’t leave, I won’t leave, this lady hasn’t eaten in three days. If I don’t eat I’ll starve to death. Have a heart, you wouldn’t want to see an exceedingly beautiful young girl starve to death.”

“As if I’ll buy that, I can’t even make you budge.”

“HmHmHm, who do you think I am, there’s no way an ordinary person like you can make me budge, you fool! Bleh bleh~”

“Looks like I need to show your my real strength today else I’ll be belittled by a little girl like you.”

“Idiot! Idiot! Ptui ptui ptui~”

I watched the two intruders who seem to have completely forgotten about me as they performed their epic emotional, philosophical, thoughtful, and comedic drama until I got a headache and said, “okay, okay, waiter. Just let her stay, she can have some of my food.”

“Really?” The young girl looked at me with joy.

“Yeah, but first let go of that pillar. How can you call yourself a noble lady and yet hold onto a pole like that?”

"Uuu... thank you, you are such a good person." The young girl looked like she was going to cry, then she turned to the waiter and shouted, "Let go, let go! Didn’t you hear her, you jerk!"

I was talking about you, idiot, are you really a rich lady? Other than her ignorance, she didn’t have any parts that resembled a rich girl.

The waiter unwillingly released his grip, “I’ll let you go today.”

"Oh right." I called the waiter who was about to leave, "You can send up another order of everything, this time don’t give me any vegetarian dishes."

“...” The waiter gave me a strange look but nodded, “as you wish, miss, coming right up.”

“Wow, you’re such a good guy, you actually ordered new sets of dishes for me.” The young girl threw herself at me, only to be pushed away by me.

“Ooh ooh ooh, it hurts… how are you so strong even though you’re so small?” 

“First off, my name is not ‘good person’, it’s Lilith.”

Anyone would feel a bit complicated to be labeled as a ‘nice guy’ all along.

“Second, those food are all mine, you can only eat the vegetarian dishes.”

“...don’t be so stingy, what does it matter if I eat one piece of meat, besides…” the girl pointed to the table, “there’s no way you can finish that much on your own. You won’t be wasting anything if you share with me.” 

“Hmph.” I give the girl a slight smile, “I never waste food.”


Ten minutes later, the girl looked at me with a bewildered look and didn’t even notice the vegetable hanging out of her mouth.

"You ... you... you ..." The girl pointed at me with a finger, and then pointed to a stack of plates taller than a person that was beside me and asked with a trembling tone as if she saw some prehistoric monster, "How can you eat so much?"

I wiped my mouth with a dining cloth elegantly and replied, "I'm in an important stage of development now, so I naturally need to eat more."

The girl looked me up and down, stopping to stare at a certain place for a long while, “I don’t see that part developing well though.”


I think I should’ve helped the waiter throw her out.

“DEVELOPING! I’M STILL DEVELOPING! Didn’t you hear me? Or do you not want to eat anymore?”

The girl quickly guarded her plate, "Sorry, I'm sorry, you're actually developing pretty well, at least much better compared to a ten-year-old girl."

Believe it or not, I will throw you out.

Deep breaths, deep breaths. I'm a dignified princess, how can I be provoked by this kind of person with a few words.

“Oh right… I just remembered I have a ten-year-old cousin who is more developed than you,” the girl scratched her head and added as if the thought had only just occurred to her.

“... Get out.”

“I’m sorry, I was too arrogant.” The girl quickly knelt and begged.


"What's your name?" After everything that happened, I almost forgot to ask for it.

“My name is Carol.” The girl looked up and introduced herself as if her name was the most glorious thing in the world, “my daddy picked it.”

Who gives a damn who named you, even if it was your long-lost second aunt who named you, it’s got nothing to do with me.

“Speaking of which, I’ve been curious for a while…” I started as I closed in on Carol…

“Why are you sneaking out from home?”

Carol's eyes lit up and she proudly answered, "Naturally, it's to do something big."


patrick brun

MORE!!!! Also ty for the chapter!


It better be something big