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Chapter 73 - The Tragedy of Female Ninjas in Heian Era

As that question left her mouth, Lily felt like she was doing something shameful when she was clearly the victim here. 

“That grannie is okay. She was sleeping so I had to wake her up. She was so frightened when she found so many dead ninjas and ran to the dojo to ask for help,” said Sakura. 

“Right…” Lily looked at Shiu, thinking about how to deal with the girl. 

She walked to Shiu, her slender finger lifting the other’s chin. “I will hand you over to the government officials and let the samurais finish you!”

Although Takeshita Town was mostly ruled by the Genji Dojo, it was still nominally governed by a samurai family, or the Takeshita’s samurais to be exact. 

When Shiu heard that, she started to panic and shook her head repeatedly. Tears lingered in her sorrowful eyes as she begged, “What--- No, don’t bring me to the officials!”

“Huh? Why?” Lily didn’t expect Shiu to be so terrified. She asked skeptically. 

Shiu furrowed her brows, speaking with a flushed face. “I- it’s too cruel and humiliating. Shiu can’t say it! When the officials deal with the female ninjas who committed crimes, they wouldn’t deal with them the same way as the male criminals. Especially those with a beautiful face, it will as though they’ve just found a treasure. They will play with her and make her their private property. After they are done, they will throw her to jail. The jailers will take turns to rape her. Then, she will be beheaded or drowned in the lake to cover their sins!”

"What the…?" Lily was astonished. In this dark and wild age, women didn’t have high status, but she never thought they could be so licentious and cruel. However, it wasn’t hard to understand. She was just an innocent girl, but the Daidouji Clan had bullied and persecuted her unreasonably, let alone a beautiful criminal.  

This time, Shiu was really scared. “Big sister! Sister Kagami, you can do anything you want to Shiu. Shiu will listen to you, I am even willing to serve you as my master for the rest of my life. But please, just don’t hand me to the officials!”

Hearing her, Lily felt sympathetic. It seemed the resentment from the previous battle and slaughter had faded a lot. Shiu was a girl with a simple characteristic. Everybody worked for their masters. She couldn’t blame everything on her, right? Even if she had committed some crimes, as the big sister, she could just punish her a little bit. There wasn’t a need to go that far. 

Lily gently rubbed Shiu’s petite face. Then with a grumpy face as a cover, she said, “Though a lowly little ⓢⓛⓤⓣ like you dared to assassinate me, big sister still can’t bear to let a beautiful flower like you be defiled by those vile samurais.”

“Big Sister…” Shiu seemed to see a beam of hope. With tears in her eyes, she really looked like she would do anything she was told. 

“You said that you would be willing to stay loyal to me for the rest of your life? Aren’t you afraid of betraying the Wind Demon Clan?” Lily’s beautiful eyes turned sharp. 

Shiu wore a glum face. “This time Shiu’s mission ended in complete failure. I’m afraid my end wouldn’t be any different than going to the officials’ place when I return to the Wind Demon Clan. In Wind Demon Clan, I’ve seen many female ninjas receive nightmarish punishments when their missions failed…”

Coming to this part, Lily couldn’t control her sad face. She sympathized with this little girl. No one could think that the sexy-looking female ninjas with heroic composition would have to face something so tragic. Regardless of their own organization or this entire world, they would still be treated harshly, yet they didn’t have a choice but to undertake those extremely dangerous missions. No matter what, their ends would often end up in tragic. 

This dark era was crueler to women. To the men, their death was a sacrifice for a greater cause. But if the same case was applied to women, not only would they lose their social standing, their entire clan would be humiliated! 

Although Shiu looked naïve and somewhat absent-minded, she understood it clear enough. 

*I don’t have the obligation to change this world, but I can’t push this naïve little girl to the pit of fire.*

“You said you’re willing to devote your loyalty to me?”

Shiu nodded continuously. She wasn’t afraid of death. However, she fell apart all too soon when pitted against an end that was ten thousand times worse than death. Under the effect of the drug, her body had already submitted to Lily’s power and beauty. She had no hint of unwillingness, indeed. 

“Being able to serve a genius like you, the legendary Demon Sword Maiden, I’m… delighted to, ah no, it’s the luckiest event in my life,” said Shiu as she turned her flushed face around. 

Listening to Shiu, Lily felt a little reluctant. It was just her feeling sorry for the other girl. 

After pledging her loyalty, Shiu’s attitude changed. Her beautiful eyes lingered on Lily, reluctant to part. Finally, her restricted body relaxed as she involuntarily twisted her body from side to side as though she was enjoying Lily’s bondage. Indistinct white vapor could be seen as she exhaled sexily. 

"Big Sister. . ."

"Call me master," Lily said sternly. She thought that she might as well made use of Shiu’s ninja skills to collect information if this girl remained loyal to her. Thus, they had to distinguish their roles. Big sister was not a title any random younger girls could use.  

"Yes, master,” Shiu was obedient. 

“How did you become like this?”

Shiu looked at Lily with her glum eyes, and said blushingly, “You know that and you still ask. It’s really embarrassing… Master, please release me so as I can serve you.”

“Huh?” Lily blushed. She awkwardly covered her face, and said, “T- There’s no need for you to serve me or anything.”

Lily looked at Shiu being hung in the middle of the room defenselessly. For the time being, it was hard to say she didn’t have any personal thought. However, the reason Lily became Shiu’s master was so that she wouldn’t fall into such ruthless and immoral punishment. It wasn’t like Lily would do anything strange to her, nor did she have any unhealthy hobby! 

However, seeing Shiu under the control of that secret drug, something primitive in her body was about to burst out. 

How could it be! That Uesugi Rei could force a kiss from me because I was helpless at that time. I will never proactively do anything offending to my senior sister! 

“Sakura! I leave her to you!” Lily covered her mouth, blushing. She ordered such a shameful order then ran out of the log storage. Closing the door, she leaned against it. Her heavy breasts heaved as she panted, letting the night wind cool down her surging emotion.  

Then, she heard some whipping sound and Sakura scolding. “How dare you call me a monster! Let’s see if you dare to call me a monster again!”

She even heard Shiu sobbing. 

Lily exhaled in relief. It turned out that was how Sakura deal with Shiu. It was okay. At least, she didn’t do anything bad to her. 

Then, Lily heard the loud commotions coming from the front yard of Chrysanthemum Inn. She recognized Master Sakiko’s voice. It seemed the reinforcement from the dojo had arrived.