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A piece honoring my all time favorite movie: Van Helsing 2004. I can gush about how great I think this movie is, but nobody has the time for that.

The original inspiration is to make a renaissance style painting of a Van Helsing werewolf using as many of the Halloween palettes as I can while still keeping it in renaissance style. Sorry, purple, but I don't think I can get you in here...

This is the third hour on this piece. I haven't looked at the sketch since the first 15 minutes and there are things that I want to go back to try to capture. I think the proportions on the sketch are better than the current so I'm gonna try to go back to that. Also the 'moon' in the back needs to be enlarged. He will have hair and fur textures as well. 




Is that a p.... p.... p.... p... Penis?


Most people seem to hate that film but I always loved it. The werewolves looked awesome, and Dracula was such a sassy bitch that you couldn't help but love him.


This looks really cool I love how you use a lot of black and white with this!


Iirc it was hated on release but is remembered fondly nowadays. Werewolves aside, the movie is hella fun with great action, incredible designs, and a genius crossover concept predating the Avengers films to name a few things. It greatly influenced how I write and create my own stories.


Aroooo... the werewolf design in that movie was terrific, especially Van Helsing's. (The skin-ripping change is another matter, though) Another piece made by you to look forward to.


Ah yes, that was a memorable movie from my *cough* teen years. I love the aesthetic here, and that face is looking real mad.


Hes angry he wasn't able to be a holy monster hunter turned werewolf in a sequel film. OH WAIT THATS ME 😠


I didnt like the skin ripping tf. It was too poetic which is only cute one time.


this movie is my favorite, although many disagree I think it has the best werewolves. the only thing I didn't like about the movie is that the transformations were too fast.


I think most people would agree with your opinion of the werewolves. I won't fault the movie for fast tfs. They can't all be American werewolf. There's plot stuff to get to.


Definitely an interesting movie. Saw it in theaters but had to leave for school during the final part. Didn't see that till after college. :D