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I was unprepared for the amount of hype everyone had for clothing rippage. I can't assume that this is crazy great shirt ripping material but it serves the story and the transformation as intended.




It’s happening it’s happening it’s happening it’s happening 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Do we get to see some sweet werebear abs?


Also, it's not too late to add a massively-muscled back ripping through the back of that shirt :3


I know that this is supposed to be a 'first' tf and your desire for non pleasurable tf, but man are people gunna be thirsting over Curtis so bad xD


Yes! I've been kind of on the back and forth about it. Belly is nice, abs are nice and having both at the same time is tricky. But this is a tf. Change is involved. He can have both at different times!


They already are. And I'm totally cool with it! If I wanted people to not thirst over him, I would have toned back his body type, not started with a shirt off scene, not included sexual desires on a page, etc. He's not enjoying the tf so I can. If they like the tf, I'm not looking. Thirst on, friends!


This is hella well done. He wears the terrible terrible curse nicely. And woot for bite mark. :D


I like how you added a close-up of the shirt tearing open in the background of the page to add some dynamic. The slightly elongated face in the second panel hinting at the soon-to-be-growing muzzle is great too (or maybe I’m imagining things). If I had to comment the image at the bottom (and I’m sorry to be that guy…), I’d say I expected Curtis’ body to be beefier, considering how tight his shirt was on the previous pages. He sure has grown hairier but he doesn’t look that much stockier than when he removed his shirt after getting back home. I can’t wait to see the rest, though. And I can’t stress enough how talented you are when it comes to drawing meaty hands and forearms. His left hand in the bottom part, hairy and massive but still human-shaped, is wonderful!


Just a time for month of Halloween!


Thanks! He's gotten a lot hairier, more muscular definition and generally larger. I wanted this part of the transformation to be about him changing into a wolfman-like(or bearman in this case) phase. There are only very minor alterations to his human shape. Curtis will shortly be transitioning into the were-phase in which he will take on more animal features like a snout, tail, pads and more!


I want to do Halloween art but I also gotta try to keep this comic rolling!


Really love how you're adding more and more fur coming in gradually and joining up with other parts of his body. Hot to think about his voice also changing at this point. Really great work bear!


Out of curiosity, how many pages do you think the TF sequence will have? :3


I seem to write in intervals of around 30 pages. But since we are 14 or so pages now im gonna say 40 - 50. I have a few stuff planned for after the tf is done but still part of the sequence.


Sondrewolf has that covered as far as I know atm. His is 40 pages long.