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Hello! Today's release is based on a popular patron request.

The leviathan erupts from the earth and opens its massive maw... 

The final frame is designed to stay on your world map as an entrance to the Monster's Belly dungeon!

After I made the initial sprite animations with a transparent background, I went ahead and made two variations that can be used with specific terrain types based on the world map tiles: desert and grass. They have some extra detail to blend into the world.


The sheets are arranged like this: the first column is a 4-frame animation, the second column is a single frame of the "up but mouth closed" position, the third column is another 4-frame animation of the mouth opening, and the last column is a single frame of the "open" position.

The single-frame columns with repeated frames are arranged that way for ease of use in RPGMaker. If you're not using RPGMaker, then you can delete some of the repeated frames or just re-arrange however works best for you.

I hope that you find this to be useful!


By the way -- this sprite could also be used as a normal enemy or trap! You could use this like a chomping animation instead of using it on the world map:

chomp! chomp!


Also, I have this for you too: I was thinking about other openings to the Monster's Belly dungeon from the world map, and I came up with this idea.

This is just the existing shark sprite-- but t could work as a giant fish if you put it on the world map... I made a simple edit for a frame where his mouth is open, so it could work as an opening to the dungeon:


It's really just a tiny edit of the previous shark sprite, so it's not worth a full post of its own. Consider it a little bonus addition to today's release.


Okay! This was a fun one-- I think I want to continue with more requests on this Monster's Belly dungeon theme.....

See you later this week with some more.



Cody Smith

amazing! and even better than what I had in mind!
