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Howdy! Hope you had a good weekend. It's Monday, so you know what that means...

For our next entry, I wanted to give him an attack pattern that separated him from the other enemies so far in this series: I introduce you to the pinecoon, a common enemy that you might encounter in the forest zones.

This guy's spin attack launches him towards the player-- but he doesn't stop until he crashes into a wall! And then he's dizzy for a moment, so you have the opportunity to counterattack before he regains his senses.

This attack behavior is a classic staple for top-down monsters that I thought would be an important one to include!

If you want to see the extended webm recording of the gameplay, check out the video here:

Here's a breakdown of all the animations included for this character:

  • The idle, sleep, and dizzy animations are regular 4-frame loops.

  • The bounce and spin-attack animations also loop, but they're 8-frames. I'd recommend setting the animation speed of the spin-attack to be significantly faster than the other animations.

  • The wake-up animation is 4-frames and intended to be a transition between sleep and any of the other animations. You can also use the first frame of the wake-up animation at the beginning of the dizzy state, or for a funny damage-reaction pose.

  • The pre-attack animation is the windup that transitions into the spin-attack. It's important to give the player a warning so he can react!

Here are the Downloads:

Reminder: Like my previous releases in this series, this sprite has more frames of animation than RPGMaker's default, so the frames are arranged vertically on the sheet. You'll need to animate it manually in the engine by changing the facing direction. Empty spaces on the sheets have colored squares to help you visualize the alignment for any re-organization you want to do.


Previous Summer of Monster releases:


And that's it for today. I'll be back later in the week with something new.

See you then.



Salyhin Chowdhury

Will you ever make these in the TF style?


These monsters keep getting better and better! I really appreciate how you've put thought into how they would work gameplay-wise!


It's very likely that I release TF-colored variants in a full pack release, because that would be really easy to do. If I don't do that to include in the pack, then I'll share a tutorial so recoloring them can be easy.

Aaron Bradshaw

Hi! Love this monster. Quick question -- is the last frame on the attack animation a duplicate of the one before it? When I plugged it in, it looks like it might be missing one frame on the spin.


Yah, it might be a duplicate. It should look OK if you just delete that frame and loop them, so it doesn't hang on it, thanks!