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Hello. I hope you've had a nice week. I'm back today with something a little unusual.

So I've been playing a lot of Magic lately, and it's got me thinking a lot about card games... I ended up spending all day putting together this little thing.

(We're just looking at the layered containers that make up the card-- the art in the preview above is from an asset pack that I downloaded from itch to use as placeholders.)

Honestly... I feel kinda weird about this one, because I spent a LOT more time on these than it looks. 😝

Here's a mockup that led me in the direction of what I eventually came up with:

I didn't use the little icons (gem, star, skull) in my little prototype preview-- but they could be useful, so I've uploaded them for you.

I've also uploaded a little box-highlight selector. You can see it in the preview gif at the start of the post (with the finger cursor!).

I think that I might hare released this selector in the past-- I know that I've shared a few different little UI releases over the years, and this isn't new-- I imported it from one of my working files. 🤷 But if you don't have it, it might be useful:

Anyways-- here's the main Download:

Note: These are arranged in a regular grid based on 8x8 tile-slices. Here's an example of how they are lined up. This reference should help you re-arrange these assets however will work best for your project:

I know, these are insanely simple-- I went through a ton of iterations with more detail and more colors, scrapped a bunch of ornate decorations and textures... 😰 before eventually deciding that this simple and streamlined look made the most sense to be consistent with the lo-bit style.

I like the idea of revisiting some of those more complex ideas for a potential higher-bit version with textures and detail, likely designed for use in the more gritty SNES-style that I use in Time Fantasy or Elements... depends if there's interest in card-game stuff.

Okay-- I hope that you can find some use for these in your projects!


Have a great weekend. I'll be back in a few days with the next Monster Monday! See you soon.



Sanguine Calamus

This is actually pretty useful if you need UI materials...

Kevin Prothero

I'm a huge fan of this release. But I'm generally a huge fan of the lo-bit line. :D

Connor Rogers

Can you share the fonts you used for this? They look so good!


Sure, the title font is Skullboy by ChevyRay and the other one is called Apple Kid and was originally made by Earthbound fans on an old forum but you can find it pretty easily today with a search