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I hope you had a great weekend! Today's release is based on a patron request.

This is a simple walking sprite for an owlbear-type monsters. The original request wanted some extra frames and animations for it, but I didn't quite have the time-- maybe I can revisit this for a future update if there's interest from patrons.

For now, he'll work just fine as an animal. He's in the same style as the animals in the second Time Fantasy Animals sprite pack, though I've also made an Elements-color variation for today's release.

I hope you find this to be useful!

Downloads:  (Single Sprite)

Reminder for RPGMaker users: Add "$" to the beginning of the filename so the engine recognizes this as a single-character sheet.


That's it for today. I'll be back later in the week with something new. See you soon.




He looks cute. However, the tail' feathers look funny :D.