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A young man fresh out of high school finds himself about to be robbed, until the thief chances upon a charm the boys parents had warned him not to bring outside...

Transcript :

Within an alleyway, a lone figure stands amidst a scene of devastation; unmoving bodies of men dressed like thugs, some with weapons clenched tightly in their hands, knocked out cold before they could even think to use them.

“They didn’t harm you now did they? Yes…with me around, the Master’s safety is guaranteed…”

Muttering in a sweet breathy voice dripping with sexual tension, the stranger steps into the sunlight, revealing a bodacious young woman dressed in an oversized bomber jacket with nothing but a loose gray singlet to cover up her modest bosom as she gazes upon the only man left standing with a dreamy look on her face, hefting a metal bat dripping red just inches away from her platinum blonde hair, fidgeting with long slender legs rubbing together.

“You…what are you?”

As he watches the careless woman break into a fit of laughter, his mind drifts back to the events that had taken place a few minutes ago, when he was on his way back home from a hearty graduation ceremony from high school before being pulled into the very same alleyway he was in right now, except under worse conditions with a cold blade jabbed right at his jugular, ready to draw blood. Left with no other option, the young man surrendered his bag and belongings to the faceless thug.

Descended from a long running line of folk who worshipped a deity from no known religion, the young man always carried a lucky charm of sorts from his parents, telling him that when the time was right, he should give it to the one girl who would be with him for life. Warning him vehemently never to let anyone else touch the charm. Despite their warnings to simply leave the thing in a box, he always carried it around for the sake of it.

And as the thug begins to rifle through his belongings looking for anything of value, his grubby hands would inevitably grace the charm hidden within as he pulls out the ornate wooden tablet embossed with the visage of a tiger…

Only for it to melt into the palm of his hand, inciting a panicked yell from the thief, looking back at the highschooler he held at knifepoint, about to plead for help before he freezes in place, a swift ripple of disturbed air running over him like he’d just stepped through an invisible veil of silk.

It was over in an instant, but to the startled young man, the transformation had played out slowly, starting with the hand gripping the knife as he watches the grimey digits cleanse themselves, coated over in a creamy smooth layer of pale skin that crawls over the rest of his changing body, defanging the burly brute as he warps and shifts into a harmless kitten, trading muscles for fat, a solid chest for pert breasts and a warm hairless slit for his impressive manhood right as his torn jeans fall away to reveal a plump pair of thighs attached to firm calves, watching with morbid curiosity as the long dark rod wiggles like a worm, struggling against the invisible force tugging it inside a puffy vulva oozing with juices to make the process easier, noticing shivers running across the former man’s curvaceous figure as her imposing height drops back down to eye level with the man she had tried to rob not too long ago.

As a waxen head of platinum blonde hair unfurling down to shoulder height framing a gentle face frozen into a look of terror, the huge bear of a man was no longer standing there, with a half dressed lady who looked to be the same age as the highschooler standing before her. Dainty fingers tipped with manicured nails still outstretched in her frozen stance, calling for help with her soft lips half open in a silent plea. Until more voices sound out from deeper in the alleyway, spurring the newborn female into action as her dull black irises burn gold, turning to face the incoming group of thugs who were already undressing her in their minds, unaware of who she once was.

With their eyes focused on her body and their minds distracted with dark thoughts on what they would do to her, the men wouldn’t even realize one of their number had fallen as the girl they once thought harmless begins her vicious assault, snatching her victims bat and swinging without care, aiming for faces, limbs, vital points, even whaling on fallen foes as they screamed in agony. Leading up to current events with the stunned man left backed into a corner, afraid to move an inch.

“Dear me, didn’t your family tell you all about the guardian spirits passed down from heir to heir? You should’ve been warned not to let just anyone touch my vessel…and now here we are~”

“Y-You mean…that whole talk of mystics and contracts was real? Then…what do I do now? Wasn’t that charm meant for…”

Spying the look of realization before it devolves into a frown of denial on the young man’s face, the nameless woman giggles to herself, crouching down beside him.

“Indeed, with the ritual vow ruined, you now find yourself stuck with a bona fide guardian deity …I was only supposed to bless the one fated to be with you…but now you’ve gone and stuck me in this filthy ape..luckily for you Master, the human body is a fickle thing; malleable and easy to bend as I see fit. I look forward to working with you Master~”

“Just…drop the ‘Master’ stuff…Ken’s fine…Mom’s so gonna kill me for this…”

“I’m sure she’ll take it just fine ‘Ken’. Now then, shall we head off? These filthy rags are starting to get on my nerves…”



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