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Had abit of trouble getting this one out, had planned it to be a story but I hit a snag thinking of a suitable stoyline midway through.

A Handler starts growing concerned for his pilot when he begins to show strange side effects after piloting a government prototype mech

Transcript :

Within a dark chamber where little could be seen besides a tiny lamplight illuminating the kneeling figure of a woman in heavy restraints chained to the walls, with a weary man standing before her with a weary look on his face.

“Oh c’mon it wasn’t anything serious! It was just for fun!”

“So you’re saying you ruined half the crops meant for winter…just for fun?

“Naw~ It was all that big monster's fault!”

“After you used the comms tower to beat it to death…when you could've just shot it dead where it stood?”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

In a war against extraterrestrial monsters, the remnants of mankind had come together to pool their resources and manpower into fighting back against a threat that ordinary armies couldn't hope to take down. Producing immense robots to combat the giant creatures on equal footing, with AI cores simplifying the process allowing for anyone to become a pilot. Giving man the tiny foothold it needed against their foes. But it wasn’t enough to force a change in the status quo, with territory being lost every day.

And so an egghead over in R&D had the bright idea of creating a hybrid mech with far faster reaction speeds and agility, linking directly to the pilot’s brain through the use of a futuristic mesh that would serve as a second skin…all linked to a brain extracted from one of the alien creatures…surely nothing could ever go wrong!

It didn't take long for them to choose Ben, a renowned soldier who had a sizable kill count under his belt and a track record of successful operations as their favoured test pilot. With Henderson resuming his role as Handler for the mech pilot. Not long after trial runs had concluded, Ben had been set loose with the prototype, noting the improved performance and capabilities of the mech after his first run with it.

That was when the side effects showed themselves, with each successive mission, Ben’s physique was beginning to change; growing out his hair with a magenta dye spreading from the roots to his well trained body trading muscle mass for soft fat and plentiful curves. All while his actions in the field began to grow more brusque despite warnings from Henderson, losing the finesse and precision he was known for while taking delight in brash methods that often resulted in collateral damage. By the end of the first month, Ben’s superiors were already considering forcing him off the project while taking the prototype back to the drawing board.

Ben on the other hand, could barely be called a man anymore with how drastic the changes had affected him, the androdgynous figure he had earned after the first week amplified into the voluptuous body of a gravure model by the end of the month. Complete with an alluring face framed by a wild mane of magenta, leading all the way down her curvaceous figure to a hearty ass pressed up tight against her suit, which only served to lend emphasis to her assets.

Henderson had already tried his best to wean the pilot off the idea of going on anymore missions, thinking he had succeeded at one point only to discover Ben, or Beatrice as she now referred to herself, had snuck outside after nightfall. It didn’t take the scientists too long to discover the root cause behind Beatrice’s behavioural changes and destructive tendencies…

It was the alien brain plain and simple…being connected to it was basically giving the disembodied organ a new body. And because all the aliens were biologically female, Ben being the pilot was an immediate problem it had rectified by slowly warping the former straight thinking man into the battle loving, impulse driven ball of energy; Beatrice. With scans revealing the suit had been bonded to her on a genetic level, making her an android more than a human.

After yet another case of important infrastructure left in ruins after another chance by Henderson to let her prove herself as a stable pilot that could be trusted, the project was scrapped, and the former ace had been locked up tight in a chamber meant to contain alien specimens considering how she had sent a guard flying after they thought pulling her from the cockpit was a good idea.

But as much as they didn’t want to admit, Beatrice was now their greatest weapon, even with the loss of her prototype mech, her enhanced senses and symbiotic techsuit was more than enough to grant her the advantage in any engagement. Warranting her release every so often much to her delight. Making sure to relish each moment before she was inevitably sent back to prison with Henderson still trying to rehabilitate her like a disapproving father.

“You can’t seriously tell me you’d rather use a gun when bashing heads in with a building feels so much better now can you?”

“And that’s why you’re going to be stuck here forever Bea…”



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