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Hey everyone!

Just a tiny update to let you know things are well and steady!

I'm working on chapter 2 full time and since we have all the characters, backgrounds and almost all the CGs ready, it's going very well and quickly!

Our behind the scenes is a bit late due to PrinceOfRedroses's schedule, but we expect it to be released this Sunday/Monday at latest.

Also a huge congratulations to our two writers for Regal Inquest, Kikiolana & Grape! They are already planning lots of evil stuff I can't wait to see!

Thank you sooo much to everybody who applied! We received so many amazing portfolios. There may be more openings in the future and I will definitely keep everybody who applied in mind! 💖💖💖

Bonus: Teaser of one of Theo's nsfw scenes. 🙀

See you soon with more awesome stuff in works!





Congrats for getting the new writers! Looking forward for more awesome games in the future. It’s so interesting to see how your games develop, Rin!


Thank you so much, Lynossa! I'm very very excited for all of the future content. Definitely interesting times are approaching! 😈


Really need to start a new play through to fu-romance the hell of Theo 😏 can’t wait to see the next chapters ❤️


You can 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 the hell out of him even with an LI to a point. Just saying. 😉