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 Edit: Found our writers! Thank you so much! 🙏    💖 

As we are getting REALLY close to our next goal 🥳, it's finally time to find a writer (maybe multiple writers in time) who will make Regal Inquest come true!

What is Regal Inquest about? 🦆

Regal Inquest is a romance/comedy otome game / visual novel about a protagonist who is being prosecuted by the Court for practicing witchcraft because of her keen perception and intelligence.

Hours before her trial, however, the Court offers our protagonist a deal:

"Find out who turned the King into a goose, and you will be set free."

So, the protagonist starts using her "psychic (Not really. She is just very clever.)" powers to try and find out the mage who cursed the King and turned him into a goose.

In the game, you will solve mysteries, rank up in court, make friends (or enemies), and make sure nobody will figure out you are a fraud and that you don't posess any magical talents before time runs out.

It will be a romance route specific game rather than plot. Every route will have 1 normal and 1 happy end.

Bad endings will be common route endings and they may happen any time during the course of the game. (Pissing off the wrong people, getting caught lying about your magical powers etc.)

There are 3 female and 3 male love interests. 💖

The Court Jester Arda, Court Wizard Baiyan, Queen Eleanor, Lord Gerald, Captain Emmeline, and Sybil the Witch.

Will this game have NSFW scenes?

Although not as much as Oathbreaker, it will have NSFW scenes for Coolpacas drawn by the talented PrinceOfRedroses with narration + dialogue!

The SFW version of the game will be PG-13.

Will this game be free to play?

Yes and no. The public version of the game will be for free and it won't have any NSFW scenes. 

Public version will also follow the Patreon exclusive NSFW version and the SFW Early Access version with a 1 month delay. (Just like Oathbreaker.)

What are we looking for?

  • As this is a paid work, we are looking for writers who can give this game time. If you have a full time job / school or very very busy with other work, this may not be for you.
  • We are looking for writers who are over the age of 18, due to optional NSFW scenes.
  • This is an episodic game, so we need an episode each month (Delays, holidays, and breaks are of course excluded. We would just need a short notice before hand.)
  • Having finished at least one game or worked in the production of a finished game is a huge bonus. But we are always excited to work with newcomers who has never tried working on a game before. (Though it's a little bit risky if they don't actually like the work in the end and quit half way through. Experience means there are less surprises during the production.)
  • Being able to edit/proofread your own work is also a big bonus. 😅

 How can you apply as a writer? 

Please send us your portfolio and your rates to info@impqueen.com. (example of your written works, games, short stories etc. the more the better!)

P.s: I'm having a very very busy time with work & real life, so I may be a bit late in replying your messages. I'm so so sorry for any delays! I will be back on track full time in a couple of months. 😭 🙏 




Wish I had time to do this.


ohhh man i wish id seen this sooner, this kind of story development is all i do