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Hello everyone!

So... 0.3.0 has been rendered. Yay. So today I'll code, do post work and make the testing/proofing build and send it out. And that's about it for that update, really.

As for writing, it's on the update eight. Thursday was a bit... hmm... How to put it? Rendering was more resource intensive than I thought, and I don't mean hardware wise but my attention wise. A lot of things needing to check so things aren't poking through. So, I'll write the weekend and start update 0.4.0 on Monday.

I like to avoid spoilers for now so, more things under testing. You know what I do by now, there has been some interesting things seen during the VN's. Aliens that you can see through, trolls, gorgons, and what not. So what can I do in here? Outside of the snow elves and nagas? There are things I can try. Like her. Although this was more of test of the environment than the figure, since there are all those little hidden renders I need to make, and need environments that I don't necessarily use for the story for them... Not happy with the HDRI and water, but those can be fixed.




She looks like someone who would do many things to you and not change the look on her face. Thank You.

Gingko Biloba

A necromancer? A little joke ? OK: "The evil king killed my brother, I'm going to kill him! The paladin says : "You have my sword." The Elf says : "And you have my bow." The Dwarf says : "And my axe." The necromancer : "And your brother."