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Hello you all!

So the release came and went, and reactions were positive. So what next?

0.3.0 is being rendered as you would suspect. I'm more or less on "schedule" with it, around halfway of the script. There is some set building as always which slows my pace down, but that's goign to be the story for whole game for most parts. It isn't bad when there is only handful of characters to pose, but some scenes requires... a lot of people.

Writing? It's in a good state, if I can get a few hours of free time I should be able to finish the update 7. Heh... funny thought. Still I'm mostly happy of that progress.

And then a quick preview. Shani getting bright ideas... This is one of those scenes where I needed a lot of people to make it look "realistic". And it was quite heavy to render. But overall, it came out nicely. And the small preview makes it look darker than it is. But that is "natural" light for you.




Haven't gotten to play any of this game yet, but assuming that Shani is the fairy, she seems to be this games version of Chiel; primary girlfriend who tries to hook us up with everyone we meet


Yes, she is the fairy. But not really like Chiel, sure she doesn't like if certain characters is treated poorly, but that's about her extension outside of one particular interaction to the MC relationships.


loving it talothral