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Hello everyone.

The work continues, not that I stopped it. So what's up? According to the render library I'm at 900+ renders. Overall, it's going alright. Outside of Daz issues. My other Daz instance has been acting up, and not rendering for some reason. Anyway.

So, I'm starting writing the update 6 of the next one soon. It's bit weird to write in all honesty, travelling, things happening at certain times. It will sort itself out when it is paired with images.

This is a "preview", this is and isn't in the game. Mostly because knowing how Iyanda dresses up normally isn't really suitable for public posts. Her character gives me the most problems, environmental wise. She doesn't need anything, nor does really want material things. So what would her room look like? Luckily, I picked some alien "artefacts" recently. Can use them as something she is interested in.

Hmmm, this isn't one my most successful renders. But what I learned from it that I need to be careful when it comes to colour design in the next one.

And then a character concept. Going to need a lot of characters. Some are important, some not so much. Her? Not sure, she has short appearance on the first day. Beyond that? No idea.



Town healer? Or someone disguised as a barmaid who the MC interacts with at times. Just random thoughts.


Outside of the first update/day/something there isn't anything written for her specifically. Maybe later. I don't honestly know, not that far in.


"what do you give someone who has everything?" "nothing. you just find a way to take it all away. without the struggle of a goal, life ceases to have meaning." i don't really remember where i read this but it has stuck with me. might be something to consider for Iyanda. from a psychological perspective, not wanting or needing anything tends to lead you on a very slippery slope towards megalomania.


It's... how to put it. While she doesn't have the real need (or want) for material things, partially because she isn't exactly corporeal as is, she is mostly psionic energy. But the things she wants aren't material, but more lets use the word "enlightenment" or knowledge. And those more spiritual things are harder to put in a visual form in a sense. So it is (or was) difficult to create a room that reflects that side of her. Using "alien" relics and totems, that she can reflect other cultures (potentially) is more fitting for her than let's say TV, computer and holographic projector she uses to keep her skills up.