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Me sleepy... So, whats up?

Rendering, obviously. Although, I have to be honest here, I have my doubts that this will be out before the end of the month. There are just too many renders to make, and unfortunately (or fortunately) there is just only one of me. But it's coming, later than I want though, but not much I can do about that. Anyway, I'm at 750 renders according to the render library, give or take 50.

As for writing. It is amusing how you get locked at times, you can write and progress the story, but certain parts that happen in the future can't be planned. But that being said, I have four pages left, maybe six, of update five, so I'm really happy with it as it is right on the schedule.

Then we have Sage. Little touches to the apartments. Room order changes, location where you enter. Some wall decorations. Little things. There is a bit pick and chosing with the previews, some aren't suitable for public posts, even when it is just talking bits. And Sage is so far the only one with a kitchen in her apartment.

The elves... oh, the elves. While I was happy with the models I made, I wasn't happy what they were. I was spinning two or three different versions of them, go with the norm, do something else, make X amount of sub-races. Some ideas were okay, some... not so much. Then a few days ago I was going through my 3rd party skins and models. I saw this white skin with snow effects (that aren't on the figure). Then I knew the direction I need to go. Although, there are couple issues but nothing that can't be fixed with UV swap.




Don't worry about the time it takes, just do what needs to be done for the great VN's you produce. This is why we support you, for the quality of work you do. Maybe snow Elf and Forest Elf. Those renders look great. Thank You.


It's personal thing, I always worry about the time. But eh... things takes the time they take. Was planning snow elf and shadow elf, just need to check few things before I commit to the names.