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Hello all!

So... totally unsurprisingly, update 36 has been handed to testing and proofreading. Thus I'll be writing the epilogue over the weekend. I'm not entirely sure I can finish it this weekend, partially because it is one of those things that are hard to estimate. There are certain scenes that don't require much dialogue as is, but then others? They need to give enough information, so what I think is a simple dialogue before writing might end up being two pages. Anyway... I'll start rendering update 37 on Monday.

At times, I have to remind myself that I'm planning a fantasy game, not a historically "accurate" one. I can be more relaxed about clothing, they don't need to "match" the environment, little things like that. This render was mainly done to stress test my system. I could have added maybe five more characters before running into trouble. Yes, I've rendered with large groups before. But the difference between this and them is that this isn't optimized at all. Normally I'd had to reduce the textures to render this many people, but... not anymore.

The goblin might want to reconsider what he wants for breakfast... Need to add fog to the set between the backdrop and set... good to know.




Technically I can make them breath fire... It's just some repositioning of the fire breath asset >.>


a little lesson about human evolution. fog is what the human brain uses instinctively to tell the distance and add depth perception. it's why it's very hard to tell a distance above 50m outside of the earth's atmosphere. this is also the main reason for which it's complete hell to try and add proper fog to a rendered picture.


Not really no, it's just another prop when it comes to rendering most of the time. At times it looks good, at times it doesn't. And at times it is there just to hide things. Truth to be told, that last image more needs different skydome than a fog, but that's entirely different matter. Which not might help the issue I have with the image. But then again, I'm overly critical of my work at times.