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Well, well, well... It is Monday once again. And I've been doing stuff!

Okay, so let me get this out of my system. The biggest reason I'm not showing preview renders is that there is, not saying a lot, but some see-through clothing involved. And that's kind of a no-no in public posts. However! There is an "in middle of building" render that I use to check does it fit into VRAM without the three of the "main cast" members.

So, rendering... It's actually going well, despite all things. There haven't been big problems, the biggest issue is dForce being a pain, but that's nothing new. And if I'm not entirely wrong, I have about 2 and a half scenes left to do.

Thus we get to writing. There is a section I need to rewrite in update 15's because I got a better idea for it, but that shouldn't take longer than an hour. So update 16 is underway, and hopefully, I get closer to halfway before I'm pulled away to do some stuff with update 12 (aka checking the code, doing first round of spell checking etc).

So this is one of the areas where you see people, generally speaking, the rooms will have about 10 to 15 characters in them... and not much else. 15 characters are my upper limit with 16 GB of VRAM, at least without squashing the textures more heavily, but that depends on the viewing distance. They are grouped so that I can move them around depending which room I do. Of course I change the shapes and textures of them so there shouldn't be identical figures in any of the rooms.

And then in the category stuff for the future... I rarely talk about future plans. At least until I'm certain that they can be done. But that doesn't mean I don't prepare for future projects in the background. Really should do a "Behind the Scenes" post about this stuff... hmm... Actually, not a bad idea.


Adam Cross

I'd read your behind the scene post.


Looks like something out of Sorcerer. Behind the scenes posts would be great! When Sorcerer ended, you showed us scenes of the future was that about 15 years out or sooner? You know she looks like she could be One of his daughters. I Remember asking about TRS when you were making Sorcerer if you were doing a follow up. And not too long ago I asked about a Sorcerer follow up, you said you were not sure, you were thinking about something else. If you have another idea in mind, go for it. I'm 71 now and would like to see another Sorcerer before I turn 80. Just Saying. Have a good one.


Yeah 10 to 15 years at the high end, bit variety with things, the one scene with the Gorgons had some of the kids being early teens. But, yeah I probs need to do the Behind the Scene post, just to clarify some stuff if nothing else. Just need to make few more things for it... And as for the hypothetical sequel and things, it wouldn't be that long away.