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Hmmm... Well, this is going to be interesting. So let's start with the obvious. 

Rendering is in a weird place if I'm honest. It's going smoothly. The largest slowdown is setting the scenes as I can't use the same characters in every room. So I have to change skins, hairs, clothing (or textures) around, and different poses maybe. That and hiding a pile of characters so I can run dForce on one or two characters.

But that being said, render amount wise? I have four-ish scenes left. Although that isn't saying much since those four scenes are about half of the text. But never the less, I'm a bit surprised how far I am in, but at the same time, I don't want to jinx it either better not say much more.

And then the writing. Assuming I get to write the next three days without interruptions, I'm done writing update 15 around Monday.

Anyway. Usually, I would do a preview, but I'm at the moment avoiding spoilers. Well, you know it is about the Kread event, so there isn't technically that much to spoil but still... thus...

At times, I have to remake characters. Sometimes because I've lost the original files, or they just aren't what I originally wanted to make but didn't have the materials to make them. Meet remade Edna, the grandmother of Andi and Niles.

And then, I need to make new unique characters. Of course, when it comes to science fiction, you need a ton of aliens, and there aren't that many available that haven't been used thousand times by now. And at times, there isn't simply a character I need for a specific role. Now there is. I forgot her name, but she appears in the coming update.

And then sometimes, just talking with people, image forms in my head that I need to make a character out of. She isn't related to Terminus Reach or Shattered Seals (Sorcerer), but... yeah. Who knows what the future brings?



Edna, NONONONONO! I do like the Orc though or is this your version of She Hulk? Yes, I'm a Marvel comics fan since 1958, but then it was called Timely Comics until 1960.


Well anything regarding Edna is optional, and marked with clear Yes or No choice similar to Li. As for the Orc, nah. Just something that came to mind and needed to make "alive".


def would like to see a game with the orc in it