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Chapter 192 – The Golden Host

It was early morning when the shuttles of the Temple Fleet of Pofmis burned away a section of the swamp forest to the north of Swamptown to make their landing. By mid-morning, the marching ranks of the Golden Host of the Liberator began marching into town, their golden armor still spotless and shining thanks to the enchantments upon them. Rank after rank of warriors, male and female, of many races, all marching in unison towards the Dungeon.

The residents of Swamptown had heard the bombardment, of course, and the streets were noticeably empty, save for a few people who were hurrying to start their runs in the dungeon for the day before things got ‘complicated’. The Guild had put out notices the day before, warning that something like this might happen, and asking everyone to stay out of the army’s way. More importantly, it urged everyone to remain indoors, and not engage with or listen to the army as they passed.

Everyone knew the reason why, of course, though none said it out loud. Saying it made it real, and if it was real, then it was something the System might make them respond to. Hypotheticals and suppositions were not enough to force the contracts most of them had signed to come into effect, and none of them wished to be forced into fighting such an army. Even the most excitable battle-maniacs in the community were under no illusions about how badly that would end up for them.

Which is why the doors were shut, and curtains drawn across every window. Every building either had barriers to block out sound until the host was gone, or there were a great many people who were suddenly very interested in watching videos turned up loud enough that they could not hear outside. Every building but one, the hut where a paladin and her husbands lived. Knowing what was coming, the paladin wept, her husbands consoling her.

As the golden warriors reached the square before the dungeon entrance, the ground began to shake. Black flames rose up from the center of the square, prompting several of the battle clerics to raise shields of holy power in response. But no attack came. Instead, the black flames burned a symbol in the ground, the symbol of the demon they had been ordered to crusade against.

From the black flames arose smoke that carried with it the utter blackness of night itself. That smoke formed itself into a shape, humanoid in form, with two eyes glowing blood red where the head would be, if it were a living creature. Anyone with the least bit of sensitivity to the Divine had to fight to steel themselves, as they sensed an Avatar, a fragment of a being beyond the capabilities of mere mortals, forming before them.

The Avatar of shadow, standing amongst the black flames, did not stretch out to attack the Golden Host, or even move from the symbol burned upon the ground. Instead, his eyes focused upon the woman at the head of the group. Smoke flowed into wings as the shadowy form began to speak.

“So, misguided fools have finally come, driven on by the words of an uncaring goddess.” He did not shout or yell. His words sounded like a whisper in each soldier’s ear, as though for them alone. A temptation, no doubt.

Crusader-Champion Nudara Belkis raised her silver sword as she looked up at the shadow, clearly recognizing the shadow form as their quarry’s avatar. “Foul heretic! The Light of Blessed Pofmis will reign supreme this day! Justice shall be done upon you, for the sacrileges you have committed!”

The Avatar yawned. Audibly yawned, as though he were bored! As though the host assembled were no threat at all!

“Yes, yes. I am sure that your words are very impressive to children who do not know better. But tell me, little girl, if your goddess really cared so much about the downtrodden, why do you waste so many resources making your ships pretty? Would not that coin be better spent aiding those you pretend to care about?”

The Crusader-Champion opened her mouth to speak, but the shadow avatar did not even allow her to begin. “You are a hypocrite, serving a hypocrite goddess. A goddess that cares more about how she is seen, rather than how she is served, or what happens to her servants. I name Pofmis the Bitch Goddess of Vanity and Delusion.”

Disquiet began forming in the ranks. To hear someone so blatantly denigrate their goddess in front of them, when faced with the Golden Host, did not sit well with the soldiers. But the avatar was not finished.

“The so-called Chainbreaker has no power here, other than to serve as materials for the breeding halls. Her servants have attempted to venture through the halls of the dungeon, but not one has ever managed to face me properly, much less defeat me. And you think that mere numbers will carry the day for you? Against a dungeon and its master?”

Disquiet turned to unease. Belkis could see that the demon’s words were having an effect, despite the fact that her troops were all in the second tier, and should have some resistance to the skills of lower-tiered creatures. She had to act, or she risked the Demon causing her troops’ loyalty to waver.

“Silence, Demon! It does not matter what horrors you have awaiting in this young dungeon! We will cleanse it, and you, with the holy fire of Pofmis, and root out every trace of your existence. Your name shall be unmade, as though you had never been!”

The Demon laughed. Laughed! “You have an army. You are welcome to try it, if you are willing to pay the price. And so I ask you, are you here, threatening the Forbidden Chambers of Exotic Pleasures dungeon and myself, Kuronoth, Demigod of Dominion and Pleasure, upon the orders of Pofmis Chainbreaker?”

“Of course, we are! Are you an idiot, as well as a heretic?”

“A second time, I ask, are you here, threatening the Forbidden Chambers of Exotic Pleasures dungeon and myself, Kuronoth, Demigod of Dominion and Pleasure, upon the orders of Pofmis Chainbreaker?”

The Crusader-Champion’s eyes went wide. That repetition was not random. The Demon was up to something, probably trying to put a curse on them, or something like that. The worst he could do would be to mark them as Dungeon Foes, right?

But this Demon used Contract Magic in ways few people had ever considered. She shouldn’t underestimate him. The Pofmisians who had gone before did that, and their failures had only strengthened this Demon.

She tried to move forward, to ignore the Demon’s words, but something stopped her. Not any work of the Demon’s. She had protections against the fell magics a Demon might use, after all. No, this was the System itself.

That was a problem. Even if lying were permissible to her goddess, the System would not allow her to lie, not when it was being actively invoked. Or, rather, she would be bound to the lie. If she denied his claim, she would have to either say that Pofmis had not authorized this crusade, or she would be bound to not threaten the dungeon or the Demon.

There was only one way out of this trap, through. “We are.”

The Demon nodded, and she could hear the smirk in his voice when he spoke again. He knew she’d figured out at least part of his game. “Then, for a third time, I ask you, are you here, threatening the Forbidden Chambers of Exotic Pleasures dungeon and myself, Kuronoth, Demigod of Dominion and Pleasure, upon the orders of Pofmis Chainbreaker?”

Gritting her teeth, preparing herself for the curse to come, she said, “We are.”

“Thrice asked, thrice answered. So, shall it be.”

With those words, the System’s powers snapped at her, with the familiar feeling of a System contract falling into place. She did not feel different, and it did not feel as though anything had changed. The Demon was still standing there, as well. So, what happened?

System Notice:

A Champion   of Pofmis, standing upon the divine grounds of Kuronoth, has thrice affirmed   being sent by her goddess to attack the Demigod of Dominion and Pleasure, and   the Forbidden Chambers of Exotic Pleasures dungeon. As this is the third   attack by the forces of Pofmis upon Kuronoth and the Forbidden Chambers of   Exotic Pleasures by forces of Pofmis, by the System, all followers of Pofmis in   perpetuity are hereby declared as Dungeon Foes and Anathema to the divinities   honored in the Forbidden Chambers of Exotic Pleasures dungeon. The titles may   only be removed by forswearing the worship of Pofmis, or by appeasing the entity   or entities that issued the declarations so that they may remove them. If   removed, the titles cannot be reapplied to the same group for 50 Galactic   Standard Years from the removal date.

Dungeon Foe

This   title is hidden from all divinations not of Divine or Dungeon origin. All   restrictions on dungeons and dungeon creatures are released when facing a   party with a member possessing this title. All a dungeon’s resources may be   brought to bear to eliminate those holding this title. All dungeons and   dungeon creatures are immediately aware of this title. Creatures with a   Lawful focus, or following Gods of Law or Order may find themselves compelled   to oppose the owner of this title.

All   Dungeon creatures deal 25% more damage to you.


This   title is hidden from all divinations not of Divine or Dungeon origin. Your very   existence is an insult to a divine entity and their followers, an insult that   they will do their utmost to repay with your death, or worse. Mortals with a strong   connection to their deity may be compelled to attack you on sight when you   are identified as Anathema to their deity.

All   divine entities and their followers who you are Anathema to deal 25% more damage   to you, their abilities, spells, and skills are 25% more effective against   you. You deal 25% less damage against those followers, and your abilities,   spells, and skills are 25% less effective against them.

The Crusader-Champion staggered at the words she saw before her. Dungeon Foe, she had expected. But Anathema?

Only one with divine power (true divine power, not the borrowed power of priests and paladins) could declare that, and it was very rarely used! Sure, there would be some reduction, thanks to being on his divine land, and there being previous incursions, and her having to answer him three times, but the power required for it was absolute. All of Kuronoth’s followers, everywhere under the System, would be without divine protection or power for roughly one of this world’s weeks, as all his power would go into creating the Anathema.

That kind of power outlay was unthinkable, save in the direst of circumstances. Priests would be without their spells, and Paladins would be unable to smite their foes. Sure, this Kuronoth might not have that many followers to strip of their power, but the early years of a young god’s worship was when his followers most needed their spells, to keep from falling prey to rival gods! It would still be bad for more ancient, and well-established gods, but for a newborn deity, if their few followers perished, then their divinity would be snuffed out.

Worse, it was not a limited Anathema. He had placed that title upon the entire Church of Pofmis! Not just those living, either! The System Notice specifically mentioned that it was in perpetuity. From now until the Anathema was removed, all Pofmisians would be at risk.

And there was only one way to remove the Anathema, other than appeasing the Demon Demigod. That was to slay him, in the heart of his primary temple in the material realm, shattering his presence. He would reform, so long as he had worshippers remaining, but it would not be instant, and it would shatter the Anathema.

Belkis raised her voice, so that the entire Host could hear her. “You think this will frighten us, Demon? We are the soldiers of Pofmis, Breaker of Chains! We are the righteous wrath of the oppressed, the blade of freedom! You shall be destroyed, along with this dungeon! And all those who have been enslaved by you shall know the grace of the Liberator! DEATH TO SLAVERS! BURN THE HERETIC!”

With a roar, she slashed at the smoky figure with her silver sword, and though her blade met no resistance at all, catching merely empty air, the Demon’s avatar faded away, as though it had never been. Looking back to her gilded troops, she held up her sword, and cried, “THE DEMON RUNS! AFTER HIM, SOLDIERS OF THE CHAINBREAKER! JUSTICE SHALL REIGN THIS DAY! FORWARD!”


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