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As the title says, Book 1 of Dark Fate is now live, and up on Amazon. $0.99 if you want to buy it, free if you wanna page through it with Kindle Unlimited. If you have a KU subscription, I would really appreciate it if you would give it a quick read. Free for you, and it helps me out a bunch.



Brian Biggers

Just bought it gonna read it as a whole now


I will read it all on a ku download then buy it ☺ I think that way you get the most you can get


Just out of curiosity.... given the line “Gain Seduction, Diplomacy, and Intimidation as racial skills” in his Racial Abilities, shouldn’t he have those skills instead of having to spend 1 point on Seduction and having the other two sit in his available Race Skills list?


Bought it.


Bought it, read it (again), and submitted review. Excited to see where the story goes

Alex Frenkel

Got it on KU now, will get flip thru later today most probably. Will get the omnibus as usual :)


Nope, it just added them to his list of racial skills. Which, in turn, negated the normal prerequisites to getting them as general skills.


bought it and I'm enjoying it