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Yes, surprise chapter.


Chapter 11 – Rewards

I breathed easily as I flicked the goblin blood from my sword and slid it gently back into its sheath. I had not even broken a sweat while clearing out the goblin nest. Simply put, I was too strong by far for any low-level creatures to have a hope of damaging.

Of course, I couldn’t take things easy. That wouldn’t always be the case. Stronger monsters would appear, in time, and they would be able to break my defenses with ease. Eventually, the creatures from off-world, already in their second or third tier, would come, and they would be considered monsters in their own right.

And, even before then, I would have to keep an eye out for nondamaging effects. My defenses primarily reduced the damage from incoming spells and attacks. They did not, however, protect against blinding effects, or petrification, or any number of other, nastier things that people could do with poisons and magic. At the moment, I only had my attributes to defend me from such things. Granted, my attributes were monstrous for my level, but they were not bulletproof, like my [Shadow Armor].

I took a moment to look over the notifications from the battle. I was pleased, though not surprised, to see that I had gained two levels from the fight. According to the common sense of the System, this should have been an impossible fight, or at least a desperate battle against an overwhelming foe. I was fully aware that such common sense no longer applied to me.


Your party has defeated 12 Level 5   Goblin Warriors!

Your party has defeated a Level 5 Goblin Shaman!

Your party has defeated a Level 7 Dungeon Boss (Chief Viralx)! 

You each gain 4350 XP.


For killing over ten enemies via decapitation in a   single 24 hour period, you have gained a title:


You do not hesitate when it comes time to slay your foes, going   straight for the killing blow. All critical hits deal +5% more damage. Stacks   with similar effects.


You have leveled up!

You are now Level 3.

You have 6600/6000 XP to reach Level 4.

+7 CHA, +1 INT, +1 CON

4 Attribute Points to spend.

2 Skill points to spend.


You have leveled up!

You are now Level 4.

You have 6600/10000 XP to reach Level 5.

+7 CHA, +1 INT, +1 CON

4 Attribute Points to spend.

2 Skill points to spend.



400 gp

2 diamonds (10 gp value each)

True Bracers of Armor

Sacrificial Dagger

Goblin Healer’s Staff

Bloodlinked Leather Armor

I nodded slowly as I looked over the loot. It was common for the first clear of a dungeon to award more powerful loot, and the System added to things when people cleared a dungeon that was supposed to be above their level. Some of the items were more useful than others, naturally.


True Bracers of Armor







These elegant leather bracers are engraved with runes of warding   and protection. More powerful than their more common variants, these bracers   scale with their wearer’s power. However, like their lesser versions, their   effect does not stack with that of worn armor.

Increase Defense by 10%

This beauty was a rare item that any spellcaster would like. Sure, they didn’t typically engage in physical combat if they had any choice, but they often didn’t have a choice. These bracers would amplify any spells they cast or abilities they used, as well as their natural Defense. That was nice, but it was really Battledancers, Monks, and others like them, who were unarmored melee combatants, that truly coveted them.

I handed the bracers to Talia, and ordered her to put them on. These bracers would amplify her defensive abilities, and would have an even greater effect as she leveled up. That single piece of gear would likely be the best item she could find until late in the first tier. Even then, it would definitely be near the top for a good while after that. After all, an item that added a percentage to your abilities was useful at pretty much any level, unless there were level restrictions.


Sacrificial Dagger








5-20 + STR

Damage Type

Piercing / Slashing


This enchanted dagger is a thing of pure evil, despite the fact   that it is all too common for many beings’ taste. This is because, though it   can be effectively used as a weapon, its battle effectiveness is wholly a   secondary consideration to its true purpose.

Durability 40/40

Sacrifice - When used to kill a sentient creature, gain 10% of   their highest attribute score for 24 hours. If the death comes at the end of   a sacrificial ritual lasting at least 1 hour, the gains are permanent.

This blade was curved slightly, with a fang-like appearance. Corrupted steel ran in black veins through the blade, and up into the hilt. It was partly decorative, of course, only possible through magic, but it also served as channel to funnel the power of its victims into its wielder. A purpose-made tool that I would have to be judicious in using, for certain. I tossed it into my inventory, where it could not potentially be used against me.


Goblin Healer’s Staff








1-10 + STR

Damage Type



This staff is crudely made, out of a branch that a goblin shaman   found lying around. However, despite its common origin, it is an effective   weapon for those just starting out, and enhances a wielder’s healing   abilities.

Durability 15/15

Healer’s Staff – Healing from magical spells and effects increased   by 10.

One of the most common early healer weapons in the world, post-apocalypse. This staff was a decent low-level weapon for a Priest or similar class, but better items would come along before long. Healing an extra 10 points from a spell when someone could easily have north of 1000 hp didn’t sound like much, and, in fact, it wasn’t. However, most effects of that type stacked, which could add up pretty quickly. And if you had Heal Over Time spells, like something that healed X per second for ten seconds, you’d be applying that +10 to each ‘tick’ of the spell. That meant an extra 100 HP healed, just from one spell. I didn’t have a healer pet yet, so that went into the inventory as well.


Bloodlinked Armor Token





Super Rare


This stone disk must be infused with the blood of its chosen   wearer. This changes the disk into a suit of soulbound armor that has been   made to suit the wearer’s needs. The resulting armor will change and grow alongside   the wearer. Exact nature of the armor is unknown until the disk is used. 

Now this. This was the big thing. Bloodlinked armors were some of the rarest and most sought-after dungeon drops in the entire first and most of the second tiers. At any stage, their power could be outstripped by the work of a master craftsman making a personalized piece, but those pieces would be expensive, and they would be finite. They did not grow and change with their wearers. Only System-generated items could do that.

I needed blood to unlock the item. I deactivated my [Shadow Armor] for a moment. Damage was damage, even if it came from a friendly source, which was a drawback (albeit an extremely niche one) to spells like this. If you needed blood, whether for something like this, or sealing a magical contract, or as part of some ritual, or any one of a hundred mundane ventures, you had to undo your defenses to allow it to go forward.


Kurokishi, Legacy of Dark Fate



Armor Set


Unique – Scaling


This set of armor has been created by the System for a singular   individual. Betrayed by those closest to him, he refused to bow, even at the   end. The Black Knight’s Dark Fate has been shattered, and now rests upon   those he meets. And yet this legacy remains. Every ten levels, it gains new   power.

Soulbound to Zayn Greene

Defense increased by (100 x Level)+CHA

+10 to All Atributes

Defiance of the Fall – 1/Day negate all damage and negative effects   for (CHA) seconds. Costs 100% of remaining MP.

Shifting – This armor shifts with the wearer’s form.

Self-repair – This armor will repair itself over time by feeding   on the wearer’s MP, even if destroyed.

Absorption – This armor may absorb weapons and armor the wearer   owns. This ability allows it to upgrade the materials it is made of, and   potentially gain new powers and abilities from the items it absorbs.

I’ll admit, that description damn near brought a tear to my eye. Looking over the actual stats of the armor set, I nodded, appreciatively. The set was made of black leather, and consisted of a suit of studded leather, a belt, and a pair of leather greaves. The stats were nice, especially for low level, but you could find better, especially amongst heavy armor wearers, if the did not bother with a set, and instead took individual pieces that they found.

On me, well, that was a significant boost to my combat potential. Combined with the [Shadow Armor], I would have a Defense of over two thousand. Plus, the aesthetics were truly wonderful. There was a demonic skull on the chest, embossed and with red crystals for eyes. Similar devices were on the belt and greaves. I would still need boots, bracers, gauntlets, pauldrons, and a helm of some sort, but I definitely had a Demon Lord mystique going on.

The only thing I had left to do with my level-up was to pick my skills. As I thought, I had some interesting new additions I could pick from. I smiled, despite myself. I’d forgotten the childlike wonder of opening your Status to see what new options were there for you. At some point in my last life, everything had become so… routine. I’d forgotten the little things. Perhaps that was what led to my downfall. I promised myself that I wouldn’t forget again.


Available Skills:

Note:   Your available skills are based on your Race, Class, Profession, and   activities.

Racial Skills:

Intimidation – Increases your ability to frighten or cow   individuals. Effects fade when out of your presence.

Diplomacy – Increases your ability to sway others and persuade   them. May make friends and influence people.

Desire Reflection – Allows you to project a glamour that makes   you look like a viewer’s most desirable romantic partner.

Pheromones – Reduces aggression of all females towards you. May   have secondary effects.

Progenitor – Able to overwhelm barriers to pregnancy.

Kiss of Corruption – Can reduce a person’s resistance to your   seduction (and other social skills) with a kiss.

Class Skills:

Summoning – Allows the warlock to summon a demon to his side. The   type of demon depends on the Warlock’s level, skill, and any materials used.   Some demons may be hostile to summoners.

Curse Magic – The study of curses and other afflictions that can   be used to hinder and hamper enemies. Includes both short-term afflictions,   and more lasting curses. 

Destruction Magic – The study of turning magic into pure   destructive power, for the purposes of destroying your foes.

Demonology – Gain knowledge about demons and demonic entities.

Soulbinding – Knowledge of the art of creating binding magics and   contracts.

Mental Resilience – Your ability to resist hostile enchantments,   illusions, and other mind-affecting abilities is increased.

Profession Skills:

Taming – Better able to calm emotional slaves, and prevent   aggressive slaves from inciting rebellion. Also known as breaking or   domesticating.

Bargaining – Useful for arranging the best deal when buying or   selling slaves. Also useful for all types of pacts or negotiations.

Body Shaping – Able to create training regimens that will   increase physical attributes over time.

Mind Shaping – Able to create training regimens that will   increase physical attributes over time.

General Skills:

Inspiration – The ability to make inspiring speeches to get   others to follow you.

Anatomy (Humanoid) – Provides enhanced knowledge of humanoid   anatomy, the better to heal, or harm, with.

While there were no ‘bad’ options in that list, I immediately picked Pheromones, Curse Magic, Destruction Magic, and Taming. All of those would be very useful in the future. Pheromones and Taming would make it easier to keep any lovelies I met under control until I built up their dependence on me. And Curse and Destruction magic would give me some help in creating spells. Actually, I got two spells just from picking the skills.


Hammerblast – A blast of arcane power,   particularly suited to destroying objects it strikes.

Affliction of Weakness – A temporary curse which reduces the   target’s STR for 1 minute.



A blast of arcane power, particularly suited to destroying   objects it strikes.

Cost: 20 MP

Target: Creature or object up to CHA meters away

Duration: Instant

Deals CHA damage to target creature or object. Damage to   Creatures reduced by target’s CON. Damage to objects ignores armor.


Affliction of Weakness

A temporary curse which reduces the target’s STR for 1 minute.

Cost: 150 MP

Target: Creature within (CHA/2, min 5) meters

Duration: 1 minute

Reduce target’s STR by caster’s CHA for 1 min. A creature reduced   to 0 STR falls prone and is considered helpless. Multiple uses of this curse on   the same target do not stack. Instead, the duration is reset, as though cast   by the caster with the higher CHA.

Both of these spells were largely useless for me. That was, after all, is why I hadn’t picked them before. Still, studying their effects with the knowledge of Curse and Destruction magic I now had would make creating new, more effective spells that much easier. So, I would call it a net positive.

Turning to look at Talia, I grinned. “Well, my pet, what skills did you take?”


Alex Frenkel

Nice, and not expected. Thank you!


Thanks! Looking forward to the new pets.

Jamie wood

When does this book come out?

dakota downey

Ty for the chapter I feel you need to remove the repetition when mentioning his skills he gained thou no point in saying hammerblast giving a description then like 2 lines down giving what looks like you will turn it into a blue box about hammerblast and its description


A nice surprise! Thanks!


Just a quick editing note. "Body Shaping – Able to create training regimens that will increase physical attributes over time. Mind Shaping – Able to create training regimens that will increase physical attributes over time." I think on the Mind Shaping line you wanted "increase mental attributes".


Dark Fate: Book 1 - A New Fate is already up on Amazon. I just bought it a few hours ago.