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Chapter 101 – Jailbreak

Once she was sure that there weren’t any enemies nearby, Vasquez got to work. Her class was Ranger, but she’d picked up the Trapfinding, Disable Device, and Lockpicking skills for obvious reasons. Not only did it help with the dungeon’s traps, but it helped against things in the outside world, as well. Unfortunately, she hadn’t picked up Magic Trapfinding or Disable Magical Device, which were higher levels of the basic skills, and not being a mage, there was no way she’d be able to unlock doors sealed with spells unless they had a physical key.

Fortunately, the door to her cell was not sealed with magic, but an old-style lock, leaving plenty of room for her government-issued thieves’ tools to get in. It only took a couple moments, and then there was the satisfying click signaling her success. She took a moment to switch her tools for her rifle, before pushing the door open.

The stone hallway was dimly lit by torches at regular intervals. Annoyingly, the torches were far enough apart that there were pools of shadow for enemies to hide in, but frequent enough that it screwed with her night vision. She didn’t risk using her flashlight, though, since that was likely to draw more enemies to her at this point than allow her to see them.

The first warning danger she had as she slowly made her way through the halls was the clanking of keys from around a corner, coming closer. She crouched, and silently readied her rifle so she could fill whatever it was full of lead the moment it turned the corner. Then she heard a sniffing sound, followed by a low, cold voice.


Wy Sunhorn


Level 25 Rogue / Jailer

“Oh dear, it seems as though one of the Master’s guests is out of bed without permission. That won’t do at all. Run along back to bed, little mouse, or I’ll have to punish you.”

With that, a shadowy wraith like the ones they’d seen by the safe room appeared around the corner. In one shadowy hand was a keyring that glowed faintly blue in the dim light. Vasquez’s eyes went wide as she unloaded her rifle at the creature. This was bad. The incorporeal creature was going to shrug off most of the things she could do to it, since her weapon was only magical, and not made specifically to go against ghostly creatures.

Cursing, she moved back as the wraith slowly advanced on her, running through her ammunition at a prodigious rate as she tried to do enough damage to somehow take down the creature. “Shit! Why won’t you just die, damnit!” The fucking thing was toying with her, she could see that much, getting closer slowly as it chased her back the way she had come, towards the cell.

She’d gone through two magazines already against this bastard, and now she was standing next to the door of her cell. Did she go into the cell, and make a last stand? Or did she try and go the other way? No, if she went back into the cell, she would definitely be trapped until she was rescued, or died, even if the wraith was content to just leave her there. Decision made, she turned, and tried to run, only to feel a deathly cold flow through her as the wraith surged forward, passing THROUGH her, with an attack that sapped both her health and her strength. Gasping as though she had just run a mile, Vasquez fell to one knee, looking up at the wraith as it turned to her.

“No, no, no. You must go back to your cell. Otherwise the Master will have to just accept that one of you has decided to join the ranks of his Wraiths, rather than accept his dinner invitation.”

Vasquez shuddered at the thought, but she would not go down without a fight, damnit! With a scream, she opened fire on the wraith, no longer caring about fire discipline. Full auto fire lit the hallway, and luck was with her as some of the bullets caught. Not all, but enough that the wraith could not immediately move to the attack. She staggered backwards, firing as she went, pausing only to change magazines. The only sound other than the continuous fire of the rifle was her scream.

Finally (FINALLY!), the damned wraith went down, but not before Vasquez had suffered from a couple more hits of the bastard’s spectral touch. Her body felt weak, and cold, but she was alive, and the wraith wasn’t! That was all that mattered. Collapsing to the ground, she had to take a moment to collect her thoughts (and catch her breath), before reaching out to get the loot from the wraith. There were some crafting materials like ‘ectoplasm’, but the real prize were the keys. There were four of them. One was plain iron, and was labeled as the ‘Key of the Prison’, but the other three were the ones that really interested her, mainly because they all had crystals in their handles. Two were red, and one was green. Infuriatingly, they only identified as ‘Red Key’ or ‘Green Key’, with no further information, but she still had the paladin’s note, so she knew they were important!

Next, she checked her ammunition. She’d used up a shit ton of ammo since they’d left the safe room, and was starting to worry about it. Four hundred and eighty rounds of ammunition may sound like gracious plenty to most people, but she’d had eight hundred and forty before leaving the safe room. And a significant portion of that had been against this one fucking wraith. She needed to meet up with the others, soon, or things could get very nasty.

No time to think about that, now. She took a deep breath, and began moving forward again, on the lookout for traps. Soon, she made her way to the end of the ‘cell block’, and found an iron door blocking her way forward. A quick check of the other path found that it led back to her cell by the other path. Fortunately, she now had the Key of the Prison, and was able to unlock the iron door. 

More stone walls greeted her, but torches were more frequent here, allowing her to see normally. Moving slowly, she advanced through the hallway, until she reached an intersection. To the right, there were stairs leading upwards, but the hallway in front of her continued on, and she could hear something in the distance. Voices!

Moving as quietly as she could, Vasquez avoided the traps she found rather than taking the time to disable them. Voices meant people, which either meant she was about to find something important, or she was going to find her team. Either one was good, but she didn’t want to go alerting people to her presence if there were enemies about.

She found herself next to an opening, and crouched down to slowly poke her head around the corner and get a look. People were less likely to notice things below eye level than they were higher up. What she saw were stone walls that looked and orangish red in the light of many candles in candelabras and torches set upon several columns, lighting the room. Glowing runes added a whitish light to the room as markings on the floor that surrounded a large stone altar lit up. But what she found on the altar was more surprising than finding some kind of pagan ritual space in a dungeon.

“Ooh, your wicked little pussy feels so good. You should thank me for railing you like this. Don’t you like it?”

“Aaah! Yes! Yes Mistress Kitami! Fuck your whore!”

Vasquez’s mouth dropped open as she saw Hudson, bent over the altar with hir ass in the air, getting fucked from behind by an Asian-looking woman. She couldn’t tell from here whether the woman simply had a strap-on, or was a ‘hir’ instead of a ‘her’, but it was clear that Hudson was out of hir damn mind getting fucked like that, and calling hirself a whore. Clearly, there was some trick of the Demon or the dungeon at work here. Some kind of Charm magic, perhaps.

Fortunately, Vasquez knew one surefire way to deal with mages who liked to charm people when she didn’t have magical backup of her own. It had been shown very early on that mages are rarely able to cast or maintain their spells when they are suffering from sudden onset high velocity lead poisoning. The only problem was that Hudson was in ‘close contact’ with the woman.

Slowly, so as not to draw attention to herself, Vasquez raised her rifle and took aim. The AK-47 was not a weapon known for its incredible accuracy over long distances. However, at a distance of thirty feet, even before the System a trained soldier would generally be able to get a solid grouping of shots. Vasquez’s class in the System was Ranger, and that gave her increased abilities with ranged weapons, especially when it came to accuracy. She took a breath, aimed her weapon, slowly let out her breath, and fired.

A three-round burst tore through the face of ‘Mistress Kitami’, causing her to fall down, behind the altar. Not counting on any dungeon creature to be dead just from a couple headshots, Vasquez burst forward, running into the altar as the light of the runes died away with her interrupting the ritual. With a single bound, she hopped up on the altar, her rifle sweeping the area until she spotted the naked futanari. She’d suffered two clean head wounds, but was still moving, so Vasquez opened fire, and didn’t stop until she’d received a notice of getting the XP for the kill.

She hopped off the altar, and quickly looted the body, gaining a red, a green, and a blue key. She still hadn’t found what these keys went to, but it looked like she’d found the Ritual chamber. Now she just had to find the rest of the keys, and her team, and maybe they’d find a way to get out of this horror movie. Speaking of team members…

Turning to look at Hudson, Vasquez shook her head. The former man was in a sorry state, with copious amounts of white fluid trailing from hir sorely used holes. Moving around towards Hudson’s face, she lifted hir head up to check and was pleased to see that Hudson was alive, just in a daze. She slapped the naked hermaphrodite across the face. “Oy! Hudson! Snap out of it, man! We’ve got work to do, and it isn’t going to get done if you just lie here in a sex daze all day! Get it together! We have to find the rest of the team.” She smirked at hir, and said, “Unless you’d rather stay here waiting for your ‘Mistress’ to respawn?”

Hudson groaned, and slowly began moving. “Oh, fuck. Remind me, when this is over, that I need to go apologize to a couple ex-girlfriends for laughing at them when they started yelling crazy shit during sex.”

Vasquez laughed, and said, “Sure thing, Hudson. Though you might want to wait until you’ve been changed back, first, otherwise the girls just might decide to repay the favor. And now you know how I felt that first time through the dungeon! Now stop being a pain in the ass and get dressed!”

Hudson yelped as Vasquez smacked hir firmly across hir upturned cheeks, and began moving to try and find where hir clothes and gear had gone. Vasquez simply leaned against one of the pillars, laughing, as Hudson scurried around the room picking up the parts of hir gear that had been thrown all over the place in hir lust. Still, shi let it go, since Vasquez was right in that she had gotten a raw deal the first time they’d come here. Shi was just glad that Vasquez wasn’t really the type to take revenge on people for stuff they didn’t have control over. Well, other than those ‘pranks’ and ‘accidents’ that had happened after that first mission. But those were all friendly things, not malicious.

Now, they just had to find the rest of the team.


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