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Sorry, folks. Author-sama was bad, and didn't get much writing done this week, because of a bit of sickness, and finding one of those 'one more turn' style games that sucked him in for a couple days straight. But here's a chapter!


Chapter 95 – Recovery

They had to wait for half an hour due to Turner rather… aggressively going after Vasquez. Since she had never shown any interest in the fairer sex before, they hoped that, as with all the Demon’s concoctions, that once the ‘rendezvous’ had come to its natural conclusion that the charm would fade, the better to humiliate the person who chose poorly. That was the Demon’s typical pattern, after all. He was a bastard that enjoyed toying with people.

And, sure enough, once they had finished, Turner found herself naked, in front of everyone, and lying on top of Vasquez with her face buried between the woman’s thighs, the two others trying to not be obtrusive as they stroked themselves to the view. Blinking at being ‘center stage’, Turner sat up, only to realize that now she was sitting on Vasquez’s face. Her superior officer’s face. Her female superior officer’s face. She scrambled to her feet, looking for her clothes.

Vasquez, for her part, was more familiar with the dungeon, and the Demon’s antics. She knew what was going through the woman’s head, more or less. Sighing, she got to her feet, and said, “So, has the charm worn off yet?” 

Unwilling to look the other woman in the eye, Turner simply nodded, and said, “Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry ma’am. I couldn’t help myself.” The scene would be slightly less comical if she weren’t trying to pull on her clothes, which Hicks and Hudson had sorted into two piles while the women were ‘occupied’. Or if the man and herm hadn’t been watching the whole situation to begin with.

Vasquez shook her head. “Nothing to be sorry about, kid. That’s the way of this place. The first time I ‘woke up’ after getting gangfucked by these men, and Hudson—" she ignored the Hudson’s indignant reply, of course, “—I was going through much the same thing as you. I’ll admit that, other than a bit of experimenting in college, I haven’t done anything with a woman before, unless it had something to do with this dungeon.”

Turner shook her head, and said, “I… I’ve never even looked at that kind of porn before. I mean, I knew it existed, but I’ve never been interested in women, or watching women with other women. But the moment you touched my shoulder, I couldn’t think of anything else but, well, having you.” She blushed at the admission.

Hicks chose that moment to cough and bring the women’s attention to him, now that they were at least decent. “Turner, did you get a look at a description of the potion’s effects before Vasquez touched you? Since you are not, it seems, normally attracted to women, that means the potion was on a higher level than the gas he uses, which lowers inhibition and makes one incredibly horny.”

Turner, thankful for an excuse to talk about anything other than what she’d just done with Vasquez, even if it was only a step removed, nodded. “Yes, sir, the potion was named something like ‘Date Rape Potion’. Causes the drinker to become ‘intensely infatuated’ with the first person to touch and speak to them after drinking, and the main effect wears off after sex. I’m seeing a lingering debuff saying that I cannot get angry with Vasquez for another hour. If this were mixed with alcohol, or someone had been drinking before taking this…”

Hicks nodded. “Then the potion would be aptly named, and a more certain way of getting their will than more ‘old world’ methods of spiking their drink. This will be a problem if the recipe gets out. But there were no gender or orientation requirements in the description?”

Hudson shook hir head. “Of course, there wouldn’t be, Captain. The Demon likes playing with its victims’ heads. We’ve seen that enough in our times here. The majority of the groups who come to the dungeon are heavy on males, just because of the kind of work it is. If, say, a man drank the potion and another man triggered it, and both were very vocal about being straight…”

Hicks groaned. “There’ve been people who killed for less, even before magic became real. It is a great way to sow tension in a group and potentially weaken them before the next challenges. All right, let’s get this show on the road. We don’t want to leave Drake and Howe on their own for too long.”

Once the method of unlocking the room became known, actually accomplishing the deed became easy enough, if you had the physical abilities to do so. The hardest part was, as always, leaping out to catch a rope and swing to the scaffolding on the other side where one could then climb up and release the ball. Certainly not easy, but once the ball was in place, magic was restored, making everything much easier.

A call to Drake on the radio, and they were soon heartened to learn that Howe had woken up the moment Drake shook hir shoulder. They were somewhat surprised at Howe’s rendition of how shi’d discovered that the platform was another area like the dais where magic was allowed. Turner just shook her head. “How have none of the adventurer’s ever noticed this? They even had some of them help in designing the level, right?”

Hicks was the one that answered. “They probably did the same thing we did. They ‘knew’ that magic didn’t work on the floor, except for areas like the dais. So they were looking for a dais, and didn’t bother checking effects to see if things were working or not. And the Demon simply didn’t tell anyone.”

Drake nodded. “He likes to play the role, I think. He never lies, but that doesn’t mean he is telling the truth, and he doesn’t just offer advice unless it amuses him somehow. Like how he never bothered mentioning that insulated gloves and rubber-soled boots could make solving the puzzle where one person had to get electrocuted while the others solved the problem so much easier. Anyways, we’re all here now, why don’t we kill off these vurlocks and get the hell off this floor? I don’t know about you, but I think we all have some stress to relieve.”

Proving that soldiers didn’t just do the same things over and over again when they obviously weren’t working unless brass were present, this time they went with a mix of guns and melee weapons, as they had against the mages on the first floor. The boss fight this time was the priest, Loshex the Violator, and his minions, an Earth Sorcerer, an Assassin, a Berserker, and a Dark Paladin of Kuronoth. It was a solid mix, which relied on the Dark Paladin to hold the line, the Berserker to break the enemy’s line, the Assassin to target the casters, the Earth Sorcerer to support, and Loshex to heal. A well-balanced party, indeed.

The soldiers countered with Turner and Vasquez hanging back, with their rifles, while the others were equipped for melee. The others all did their part, keeping the Berserker and Assassin from getting to the riflemen in the back, and those ladies made quick work of the Earth Sorcerer before the mage could start reshaping the battlefield or granting the enemy any kind of damage resistance buffs like what the goblin boss had used.

After that, the battle was won, even if the combatants hadn’t finished fighting. Without the magical support to deal with, the other four were able to turn their attention elsewhere. Hudson locked down the Assassin, driving the roguish vurlock away from the main melee. Howe’s spear glistening with lightning magic pierced the Berserker’s light armor and found his heart! And yet he would have lived, and rejoined the fight in moments, had not Turner and Vasquez blew a hole in the vurlock’s head too large for Loshex to heal.

One by one the minions fell due to superior firepower and teamwork, until only Loshex was left, bleeding from several gunshots, and hiding behind one of the statues of the Demon that were found in the corners of the room. But one healer, however powerful, could not hope to keep a group like the soldiers at bay for long. Drake’s spear jabbed at the vurlock’s hiding spot, forcing it to reposition itself. But it had only moved from the frying pan to the fire, as the creature had forgotten his situational awareness. From behind, Hicks swung his mace down, and ended the pitiful creature’s life, and the battle.


Dark Inquisitor’s Mercy








1 – 10

Damage Type

Unholy, Piercing


Crafted by twisted zealots from another   world, this five-tailed scourge is designed to inflict the maximum amount of   pain possible, to ensure that those who suffer under its lash know the sins   they have committed. But as a ‘mercy’, this weapon cannot kill, so that none   who feel its bite may fall into death without first repenting their crimes,   however long that may take.

Soul-striking – Weapon ignores armor.   Cannot be used against Undead or Constructs.

Merciful – This weapon cannot cause   critical hits. When a creature damaged by this weapon drops below 10% of their   maximum HP, the weapon heals the target to 50% of their maximum HP.

Sadistic – The pain from every hit of this   weapon is tripled. The pain from each hit does not fade until the effects of Will-sapping   fade.

Will-sapping – HP damage done by this   weapon is tracked separately, in addition to the normal effects. Every time   the tally reaches the target’s WIS score, drain one point from the target’s   WIS and reset the tally. When the target reaches 0 WIS, they are incapable of lying to the   wielder, and will answer all questions honestly and fully. WIS lost in this   manner does not return until the victim has not been damaged by this weapon   for 24 hours. If the victim is kept at 0 WIS for one week, the damage is   permanent, and cannot be recovered except through high level cursebreaking,   followed by magical healing.

The ‘loot’ from the boss fight was a thing of pure evil. Hicks really didn’t want to take it, but the military was desperate for information about what the System could do, so he shoved it in his bag, and did his best to forget about it. The idea of that weapon getting into the hands of some nutcase would give him nightmares, no doubt.

Finally, once they had rested and recovered, they pressed on through the portal that had opened for them after the boss had fallen. They moved in, ready to face whatever horrors were awaiting them, and were wholly and completely shocked by what they saw. For this was not the Black Temple they had heard so much about. That was a place of darkness with demons roaming about. This? This was something wholly different.

On the far wall of the long, wood-lined space was a stone hearth that looked like it would be at home in a Viking temple or longhouse somewhere, and in it a raging fire was lit. In the center of the hall there was a long table, with a roasted boar set in the center, and other dishes that looked just as delicious. It was a setting that would not be out of place for feasting warriors taking their ease and celebrating the end of a long campaign. And above the mantle was the symbol of the goddess Freyja.

Standing next to the fire was a woman in priestly garments, a mace hanging from her belt. Her heaving bosom would have been an impediment on any battlefield, but she had the look of a tested warrior about her. When the group entered, she smiled, and bowed her head to them. “Well met, warriors. I am Shannon, servant of the Goddess Freyja and a former member of the Crimson Valkyries. In this place you may rest, and recover from your wounds, as this place is protected by the ancient laws of Hospitality. No harm shall come to you here so long as you do not raise your hand to another.”

She then waved the soldiers forward. “Come, sit at the table, and feast! The food is excellently prepared, and we have fresh mead to ease your troubles. And while we feast, we can share the tales of battles lost and won, until tomorrow, when you might be ready to move on to face the horrors of the Crypt of the Virtuous Ranger.”

The soldiers all looked at Hicks, who smiled. “Take a load off, team. Looks like the Demon has given us a bit of a break, probably so he can justify throwing truly horrible things at us after this. We’ll rest for the night here. Just go easy on the mead! I won’t be using any magic to cure hangovers in the morning!” He laughed as the soldiers whooped and forgot their troubles for a moment in the face of good food and drink. Some things never changed.


Rafnar Caldon

So you have been "getting down with the sickness."


I just figured you were busy getting ready for Thanksgiving.


The crypt is the virtuous ranger? Sounds like the undead floor is open