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Book 7 will be going to Amazon soon. Read it while it is here, and then it will be going to Kindle Unlimited.


Prologue – Trade Chat

(Adventurer’s Guild Official Forums, Miami Branch)

SunnyBunz, MightyMouse, ImAPally, DontYouWantMe, AsaAkiraIsBae, BestGirl, LatinHeat, Salty, Backpage, Craig34, l33tpally, Anonymous3, Anonymous4, RedFox, Kimiko, DonnyJuan, Crusader, BadCompany, HurricaneGal, Scholar, Righteous, Id10t, Satyr, DarkEnchanter, ScoopGirl, VenusFlyTramp, MagicMike, TsundereHealer, Max, LightningLegacy, SwiftTaylor, Domino, Bacchus, Aegis, Temptation, and Lord_Kickass are in the chat.

Scholar: Oh, God, it is good to be out of that place!

MightyMouse: Wait, does this mean the Dungeon’s new level is finished yet? The temple is cool and all, but things are weird when we go through the challenges.

SunnyBunz: Yeah, they helped the Demon create the place while our group ran through it, testing things.

Scholar: Well, I wouldn’t say we ‘helped’ so much as watched.

Temptation: You, ScoopGirl, and her camerawoman were very effective at ‘helping’ me with my stress while I was busy crafting the new layout.

Salty: Yeah, that’s a part of it I’m glad I didn’t have to deal with. Bad enough that we kept getting injured or killed testing the thing, but those ladies, well…

ScoopGirl: I don’t know, Zoe and I enjoyed ourselves. I haven’t been that thoroughly and completely ravished in my life.

Temptation: Happy to oblige.

DarkEnchanter: So what is the floor like?

DontYouWantMe: Well, this’ll come out with the report from the Guild, since they were the ones who commissioned us to go. The guild will be selling the guides once they’re ready to go.

DarkEnchanter: So no preview?

AsaAkiraIsBae: Well, we have contracts about what we can say. But in general, you’ll do a LOT of swimming in salt water, so you want to prepare for that.

Salty: Fighting underwater is a pain, especially for certain types. And the Vurlocks are natural swimmers.

Bacchus: Damn, that’ll make it hell on a lot of builds.

ImAPally: Yeah, my greatsword won’t do anything in water. The one time we tried to clear some Vurlocks off the coast, it was a disaster. Barely got out with our lives. Bows and guns were damn near useless, slashing weapons were tough to use, forget about clubs and hammers, and the damn water hurt our quick stabby guys as well, since they couldn’t move right.

Anonymous3: Even magic gets screwy in water. That floor is going to be a major pain in the ass.

Temptation: You have all had it fairly easy until now. I’ve been getting bored, and the poor goblins have been complaining because no one will play with them.

Anonymous4: Oh no, you mean we can’t skip Goblin Town anymore?

Temptation: Haha! Nope! You’re going to have to work all the way through the dungeon to get to the end now, except for those who have the cheat code.

l33tpally: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right?

Temptation: No. Why would it be that? Are you saying you want me to make this more like Contra?

l33tpally: I’ll shut up now.

DonnyJuan: What is this ‘cheat code’?

Temptation: After you defeat a floor boss, but before you advance to the next level, one who bears my symbol may utter a heartfelt prayer, and have another member of the party pleasure them until they climax. Do that, and it unlocks the ability to skip the next floor, if you have previously beaten it, until you get to the Black Temple, which shall remain the bottom floor of my dungeon.

DonnyJuan: That’s… not too bad, actually.

Crusader: Don’t do it!

RedFox: Oh no, I see where this is going.

Scholar: I’m under contract, so I cannot say too much.

VenusFlyTramp: By the way, what did those of you who went to stay in the dungeon get out of it?

Salty: Well, our group got some good experience, both in System terms, and in terms of fighting underwater. We’re also getting 10% of the sales of the guidebooks for the floor we helped on.

LightningLegacy: Only 10%?

Salty: The rest split evenly between the Guild and the Dungeon.

Crusader: Sneaky bastard.

Temptation: Thank you.

Scholar: Other than some bad news from the healer, I’ve got a whole paper’s worth of research ready to go. Just need to start writing.

DonnyJuan: Bad news?

Scholar: I… would rather not talk about it.

ScoopGirl: We entertained the demon for a full month while he designed the floor. We had a LOT of sex. Do the math.

Id10t: So you and the camerawoman, too?

ScoopGirl: Oh, no. Because we let him watch us with some of his other harem girls, so he gave us potions to stop that.

Scholar: WHAT?

ScoopGirl: Sorry, but you should have played along more instead of calling us sluts behind our backs, like we couldn’t hear you.

Max: Me-ow!

ScoopGirl: Anyways, I’ve got a new documentary coming out, talking about the designing of the floor, which should sell well in syndication.

Satyr: Damn. How’d you arrange all that?

Temptation: I would be a poor negotiator if I didn’t make the deal tempting enough for the other side. If they aren’t tempted to pay my price, then it does no good for me.

Crusader: You monster! You are corrupting these people, and turning them away from the right path!

Temptation: Morning sickness started yet?

Crusader: I hate you.

Salty: Not much you can do about it, though. From everything we know, he is connected completely to the Dungeon, and killing the dungeon means unleashing everything from the dungeon in waves upon Miami.

Kimiko: Not to mention that almost everyone who goes into the Dungeon signs the contract not to harm the Dungeon.

LatinHeat: It isn’t like we don’t get anything out of it, you know. The new floor will be a good place to train against aquatic enemies, which might allow us back into the water again.

RedFox: That is how he gets you, though. You start thinking about all the positive parts, and then you find yourself getting fucked yet again as you play to his tune.

Backpage: RedFox, is it true that the tail you wear…

RedFox: Ugh. Yes. The Demon gave it to me. And yes, it is a butt plug. And the powers don’t work if the tail isn’t visible.

Craig34: Hot!

RedFox: If you think so, then I’ll be glad to shove one up your butt while you fight for your life.

Craig34: Meh. I’d make a lousy fox. Especially since I’m tracking down some rumors I heard about online.

Backpage: Is this about the Satyr potion?

Satyr: No relation to me, BTW.

ScoopGirl: I have it on good authority that the original in this area came from the Dungeon, though there may be other sources.

Craig34: Hmm. I wonder what the recipe is…

Temptation: Are you willing to pay the price?


dakota downey

Nice so when's the release date for the new book


I do so love Trade Chat

Patrick C

I wonder what this mysterious satyr potion is. Is it a potion to make you a satyr or something else?