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The Boss of the undead for the dungeon will be 'special'. What do you guys want them to be?



Revnant or A spirit that posesses the adventurese



Rafnar Caldon

Bet the dungeon could just absorbed the phylactery to force a lich to his will.


As cliched as it may sound when I read the text from the boss of the necro, given all of the Naxx references, I heard it in my head as a version of the Lich King, from wow. Alternatively since it is called a necropolis you could go Mummy. Was it explained how the necropolis arrived?

dakota downey

A skeleton used an unknown book to summon a entity and didnt write the protection circle correctly

Rafnar Caldon

something similar to a <a href="http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Spawn_of_Kyuss" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Spawn_of_Kyuss</a> an undead Mind Flayer (lich maybe) A Bodak (fuck bodaks )


+1, I mean it is likely to be something the dungeon himself likes.

Rafnar Caldon

also makes me think does he have a copy of The Book of Vile Darkness?


Some sort of Dungeon Zeitgeist comprised of the negative emotions of adventurers betrayed to the dungeon by their parties.

Brian Biggers

I vote lich I can’t help but shudder at the boner jokes if it was some type of skeleton


I think a lich would be cool


Lich lord


Why do I feel like if it is a girl we will have a bunch of rob zombie references

Rafnar Caldon

If you wanted to make it complicated female werewolf lich .... It would make one bitch of a lich.


Gotta go for lich.