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What is this? Someone got inspired and wrote extra today? Yes indeed!


Chapter 31 – Hell to Choose


The enraged paladin launched herself towards the zombies, intent on getting to the demon sitting on the throne behind them, sword held high as she prepared to slaughter everything in her path in a quest for some righteous revenge.

Unfortunately for her, she didn’t get more than a foot before she was grabbed from behind by the rogue, Taylor, who pulled her back into his arms and kissed her on the lips as he had done before. The others gaped as Lea’s arms went limp, dropping sword and shield to the ground as she melted into the rogue’s embrace once again.

“Damnit, Taylor, now isn’t the time for this!” Nathan kept one eye on the demon and the zombies, but was definitely concerned about how his friends were acting.

Zak muttered a curse, “Damnit, I never even thought to check. Analyze Group!”


Lea Hunt

Human Female

Level 16 Paladin / Enchanter

Titles: Demon Bane


Nathan Hill

Human Male

Level 16 Fighter / Blacksmith

Titles: Demon Bane


Zak West

Gnoll Male

Level 16 Lightning Sorcerer / Alchemist

Titles: Demon Bane


Taylor Hood

Human (Pleasure Parasite) Male

Level 16 Rogue / Leatherworker

Titles: Demon Bane

“LEA! He’s being controlled! You have to cast a cleanse spell on yourself to remove the poison!” Zak wasn’t sure how, but somehow the rogue had picked up a parasite, and it must have affected his body somehow, making his kiss like a drug.

Lea didn’t respond, and Zak wasn’t sure she actually heard him, with the way she was moaning as Taylor slipped one of his hands down her pants. Cursing to himself again, he said, “Nathan, get Taylor off of her. I’ll use a potion to get her to her senses.”

Nodding to Zak, Nathan didn’t reply out loud, but simply moved into the plan, shoulder-checking Taylor away from Lea, and tackling the rogue to the ground so he couldn’t do any more damage. Lea stood there like she was confused as to what was going on, right up until the antidote potion Zak forced her to take hit her system.

Her eyes went wide, and she sputtered for a moment, before looking at Zak, then over at Taylor. “Oh great Pofmis, what happened to him?” That question was a bit more apropos, as the rogue had just now got back to his feet, with the larger fighter still trying to pin him down. And then she heard the laughter.

They turned to look up at the dais, where the demon on his throne was laughing, and at his feet the pitying faces of the women around him looked down at them, confirming their worst fears, that the demon had somehow taken the mind of their friend.

(Kuro POV)

Ah, such delicious irony! The nice piece of ass I was getting when the Apocalypse kicked off was here again, no doubt drawn by the need to atone for all the nasty things I did to her. And now, one of her three friends has been taken by the dungeon, and betrayed her! A beautiful tragedy in the making!

As the group of invaders turned towards me in response to my laughter, I said, “Oh yes, I am afraid that Taylor is busy, and cannot come to the phone right now. Don’t bother leaving a message, he won’t be coming back again. Unless you decide to kill him and raise him as a pet dog like you did your other friend. Very touching, I must say, but my paladin says it should still be quite some time before you can cast that spell again, and there is a time limit.” I chuckled as Keisha shifted uncomfortably and lowered her eyes as I repeated what she had told me.

Lea shook her head, trying to clear the aftereffects of the drug, and picked up her sword and shield again. “What did you do to Taylor, you sick bastard?”

I tut-tutted her, and said, “Now, now, that’s no way to ask a question when you have none of the power. But I guess too long away from me has forced you to pick up some bad habits. I think I’ll enjoy training you again, to make you a proper slave once more.”

I ignored her gritted teeth, as the gnoll cut her off, and said, “And what manner of parasite is it that has infected our friend?” The sorcerer’s voice was calm, on the surface, but I could sense the tension in his voice.

“Ah, now that is the proper way to ask! Essentially, the little fool never learned not to accept gifts from strange plant ladies in the dungeon. But are you willing to pay the price for the information you seek?”

“What is the price?”

“It is simple. I will play a video, explaining what has happened to your friend. While the video is playing, one of your group must give themselves to the zombies for ‘play time’. Do not worry, they won’t attack, but I can’t promise they’ll be gentle. Little lacking in brains, you understand. That person will be the ‘entertainment’ while we find out just how your friend screwed up.”

“And the rest of your minions won’t attack the rest of us, either?”

“Yes, yes. None of the creatures under my control will attempt to kill you until five minutes after the video ends, or you attack them, whichever happens first. Is that acceptable?”

“I’ll do it.” Lea and Zak turned and looked at Nathan in shock, but he cut them off. “Zak, you need to have your head on your shoulders to figure this out. Lea, you’re the one he’s gunning for, don’t give him the satisfaction. It has to be me. Just figure out how to reverse whatever was done to Taylor.” That said, he stripped off his armor and clothes, and walked naked towards the fungal zombies with the air of a man condemned.

Five female zombies moved at once, bringing Nathan down to the ground. He didn’t resist, but he was clearly less than enthusiastic. Zak turned away to keep from watching his friend get forcefully ravished by five women with giant mushrooms growing out of their faces, and breathing out clouds of pink spores. I guess that there were some images that he would gladly not have in his head EVER, if he could help it. Him glaring up at me like I was a villain (OK, I was a villain) didn’t really do anything for me, but I made a deal, so with a wave of my hand, I used illusion magic to show what happened to Taylor.

Once he’d tried to hide with his face directly in the Herbs of Eros, there really wasn’t any chance for him when the naked dryad started singing. By the time he got to her, he was clearly already under her spell completely. The scene in the video was definitely more exciting to watch than the fighter getting humiliated by the monsters, it seemed, because Zak’s eyes never left it. When Taylor finished with the dryad the first time, he never noticed as the green-skinned woman pulled a vial from a nook in the tree’s roots, and poured a small pink slime into Taylor’s ear as he recuperated.

Turning to Lea, Zak was about to say something, but appeared surprised that Lea was no longer standing next to him. He looked around wildly, until his eyes found Taylor, who had quietly pulled Lea away with another of those drug-laced kisses, and had removed the young paladin’s pants, and was taking her from behind. Taylor grabbed Lea’s hair, and pulled slowly, making her arch her back into him as he pounded her. Opening his mouth, the rogue had something that looked like pink jelly on his tongue, as he moved to nibble on the paladin’s ear.

With a curse, Zak unleashed one of his lightning spells. It wasn’t a powerful attack, but more like a taser, shocking the target and paralyzing them momentarily. Unfortunately, it also affected anyone that person was touching, so when he hit Taylor, it also zapped Lea. Running up to the paladin, Zak was about to ask how she was doing, when Taylor grabbed him by the throat, and forced his head next to Zak’s dog-like ear. A pink gel passed from one to another, and Zak screamed in pain. 

That scream broke Lea’s trance, and roused Nathan who had given himself over to the pleasure and was trying desperately not to look, not to think about what was happening, and kept murmuring the names of different porn stars or celebrities to keep from thinking about who (or what) was enjoying him at the moment. Breaking away from the zombies, Nathan made it over to Zak, and said, “What the fuck? What happened?”

Zak grit his teeth, and said, “Parasite slime. Enters through the ear. Apparently makes you act like a fool.”

I laughed, and said, “Close. The slime just suppresses the person’s will a bit as it eats their brain, turning them into a living puppet for the one controlling them. The longer the slime is in there, the less of the person remains. Really a lovely species. Had to spend a good chunk of my resources to get a sample, even with it being one of the ‘types’ my dungeon does naturally. But since they don’t ‘naturally’ appear anywhere except the Ceti Alpha dungeons, well, one does what one must.”

Lea bristled, and said, “You said that they wouldn’t attack us!”

“Actually, I said that the zombies wouldn’t attack, and the others under my control wouldn’t try to kill you. I never said anything about them drugging you and attempting to infest you. After all, you would still be alive, if a bit of a mindless husk.” He chuckled as the adventurers looked on at him in shock. “Oh, god, didn’t they ever teach you to be careful when you deal with demons? You never heard that the devil is in the details?”

Lea snarled, and reached for her sword, but Taylor grabbed her, and she had to fight to keep him from kissing her again. “Damn you to hell, you fucking bastard! I’m going to destroy you, if it is the last thing I do! I won’t forgive you for what you’ve done to my friends!”

Oh dear, it seemed that the little paladin was a bit put out with the way that I had toyed with her friends, and basically told her that two of her new harem were going to be mindless zombies as slimes ate their brains. Well, most of the brain. They left the parts that had to do with autonomic functions like heartbeat and breathing, but the slime took everything else. Too bad that it infested the sorcerer. They could only try infesting someone once per week.

Looking down at Lea, I smiled, and said in a soft tone, like a spider tempting a fly, “Oh, but there is a way to save them, you know. I could restore them and keep them from becoming mindless slaves to the dungeon. But that takes a bit of magic, and so I would need a price that would balance with the cost, and the lost opportunity of what they could be as monsters.”

I could see in her eyes as she churned through the options available to her in her head. She had to know that there was no way she and Nathan could defeat all my minions together, and while she hadn’t checked, we both knew that Nathan was heavily infected by the zombies by now, and would probably turn within an hour or two. And without me, or Zak, would she be able to find a way to cure her friends, or restore their minds if the slimes ate their brains?

Her shoulders slumped in defeat, and she asked, “What price do you want for healing us all of the afflictions we’ve gotten in the dungeon, and allowing us to leave alive and free?”

I smiled wickedly at her, and said, “Ah, music to my ears. Just like old times, isn’t it, pet?” She simply glowered, and I shook my head. “If this is going to work, you are going to have to address me properly. You know the word. Say it.”

The paladin gritted her teeth, and when she spoke, her voice was a sob of anger and helplessness, “Master.”



YAY, extra chapter today.

Matthew Murphy

Yas. Just what my day needed. I've been craving this interaction s once she was reintroduced. A+


Ya I agree with Matthew everything I was hoping it would be.


So nice he put the trollop in her place.