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Chapter 12 – Floor Boss

“AAAAGH! Please, make it stop!”

Ah, the screams of an expectant mother to be. Such a joyful sound, yes? Looking down at the woman writhing on the bed of grass I made in one of my experiment rooms, I simply smiled, and shook my head.

“No, no, my dear sorceress. You must endure this. But be happy! Not only are you the first person to be knocked up in the dungeon, but you are going to be the first to give birth here, too!”

She screamed again, as the slimes inside her began insisting that they be born. “YOU BASTARD! You told me you’d take these things out of me if I signed your deal!”

“No, my foolish little pet. I told you that this would not be the end of you. And it won’t. In a little while, the slimes will kill you as they eat their way to freedom, and then, not long after, you will respawn, like any other creature bound to the dungeon does. Your journey into motherhood will indeed not be the end of you, even if it kills you. I may be a demon, but I do keep my word.”

OK, I was enjoying the demon roleplay. Sure, no one but Dana and Felicity knew that I wasn’t just a demon, but I enjoyed the play all the same. Especially since I’d gotten a huge boost from Felicity’s defeat and enslavement. Taking down adventurers above my level was very profitable, it seemed. She’d boosted me all the way up to Level 6 in one go!

Dana cringed away from the sight of her fellow slave’s ordeal, but I had given her an order, that if she did not want to watch Felicity’s childbirth, then she would have to spend the entire time servicing me. Since she was none too pleased with her current situation, she’d toughed it out so far. I was actually silently rooting for her to stay strong. Bringing the strong, confident types to heel was so much more satisfying, after all.

With my double level up, I’d gotten new skills, and I found out that, after Level 5 you stopped getting so many new skills open up each level. General skills would still open up whenever I’d ‘earned’ them, but the race, class, and profession skills would only open up new ones every 5 levels after 5th, and some of those skills would cost multiple points to get. This meant that I could either catch up with ‘low level’ skills, or save up points for really awesome skills later on. For now, though, I still had a bunch of stuff I needed, so I spent my points.


Racial Skills


Name Monster – Name a monster, giving   it extra abilities, and potentially turning it into a boss or miniboss   monster. You may only have as many Named monsters as 0.5*(Level + Number of floors), rounded up.

Loot Drops – Autogenerate loot from   slain monsters, to include coins and gear appropriate to monster level.



Profession Skills


Courtesans – Slaves designated as   Courtesans gain +1 to all mental abilities per level.

Combat Slaves – Slaves designated as   Combat slaves gain +1 to all physical abilities per level.

Yes, I finally picked up Name Monster! I quickly Named the gator Earl, as I’d been calling him all along, and that, combined with his showing in previous battles, amped him up into a miniboss! The first Slime Lord that I had spawned got a name as well. I called it, ‘Captain Hentai’. The Naming bumped Captain up to being a solid Floor Boss, but I really liked it better as a Hidden Boss, and allowed it to roam freely through the Jungle area of the first floor.

I Named Dana and Felicity as well, and designated them both as Courtesan slaves. Turns out, in addition to the attribute bonuses, their MP and HP regeneration doubled while they were having sex. Interesting, but not terribly useful unless I wanted to gangbang them while they chained spells. Not practical in combat, but good to remember for later. Dana and Felicity both counted as Boss Monsters, apparently, which further boosted their stats and damage output. I’d have to find a suitable place to let them play. Perhaps when I got my second floor together? No, I think I’d make a couple changes to the core room on the first floor, and give that to Dana, until she grew too strong for it. I kindof liked the idea of my slaves being the gatekeepers.

One other surprise at taking the ‘Name Monster’ skill was that it unlocked the ability to name myself, and my dungeon! For my name, I picked ‘Kuronoth’, because it sounded cool. Yeah, wish I could say I had some deep mystical reason, but no, it sounded pretty badass and slightly demonic, so I went with it. The Dungeon got the name ‘The Forbidden Chambers of Exotic Pleasures’. Not exactly original, but it enticed people more than something a little more honest, like ‘Rape and Murder Central’. That would have never caught on.


Congratulations on becoming a Named   Dungeon! As the first self-named Dungeon in the world, you gain a Title!

The   Original

Few beings can legitimately claim that   they were the original of something, the first to do it. You are one of those   few, as recognized by the System.

+10 to all Attributes

+2000 Anima

That was another serious boost! But then, if I was the first to name myself, that meant that any other dungeons out there either hadn’t picked the Named Monster skill, or they weren’t smart enough to name their dungeon, or someone else had named them first. Sucked to be them, I got the title and the perks!

My internal celebration was interrupted by a new chorus of screams from Felicity, and a warm, wet sensation in my crotch. I looked down, smiling, as I saw Dana had finally lost her nerve, and was desperately sucking on my cock, trying to distract herself from the scene in front of her. Well, it wasn’t a sight for the faint of heart, or the weak of stomach, that is true.

Felicity’s skin was crawling as she writhed in pain, the slimes literally pressing against her skin as they tried to push and eat their way out of their mother. Finally, it became too much, and with a final, pitiable scream, Felicity got her first death, and five slimes were born, one for each tentacle that had successfully bred her. Three were just normal level 1 slimes, and I released them into the jungle. Two, however, were rares!



Level 1 Ooze

This Passionslime was apparently formed by absorbing the remnants of the pollen from the Herbs of Eros and all that Enflaming Gas from Felicity’s body. This slime was fascinating, since it didn’t actually eat anything but plant products (such as the fibers that made up a lot of clothes) but secreted a powerful aphrodisiac. Once people became aware of this thing, there would definitely be people coming here to try and capture them for pets.


Watermage Slime

Level 1 Ooze

This evolution, while rare, was fairly obvious. It had absorbed some of Felicity’s magical talent while it ate her, and was now a proficient water mage. It appeared to be more intelligent than others, and had a nice array of water spells. This one was more dangerous, but I could see people trying to tame them as combat pets, if there were any Beastmaster type classes out there. Magical support that didn’t require a mage was valuable for low-level parties, after all. If I could get Captain Hentai to breed with more mages, who knows what interesting slimes would develop?

Dana whimpered as I gripped her hair tightly, holding her head down on my cock as I came down her throat. She’d struggled with this the first few times, but a great deal of patient training (lots and lots of training) had enabled her to deep throat me perfectly. I decided that now would be a good time to inform my new floor boss of her promotion.

I tapped the girl’s chin, causing her to look up at me as she cleaned my rod with her tongue, as I had trained her to do. “Good job, my pet. You held out watching Felicity a lot longer than I expected you to, and you didn’t argue about the punishment for looking away. For this, you are being rewarded. You should have noticed that you’ve been ‘upgraded’ to a boss. I can tell that it has increased your stats dramatically, and powered up your magic somewhat as well. Which is good, because I have decided that you shall be the floor boss of the first floor. I am almost ready to start work on the second floor, so I will not be able to greet all the ‘guests’ who come to visit.”

She blinked, and then nodded her head slowly. “Th-thank you, Master. I hope that you will be happy with my service as your floor boss. Um, does that mean I have to fight and try to kill everyone that makes it to my room?”

I smiled, and said, “Well, fighting to kill as many of them as possible is the general idea. That will make you stronger, and it will make me stronger. And I will be watching, so I’ll know if you sandbag the fights, okay? You need to give it your all in every fight, or I’ll have to punish you. It will also ensure that only the worthy get through my dungeon. I don’t want this place to be known as a pushover, you know? I’m offering a lot of loot and chances for riches, so I want only those who are capable to escape.”

Noting the sad look on her face, I said, “But, since I am a wicked demon, I guess I’ll leave you a couple options other than killing them or getting killed yourself.” She got a wary expression on her face, which told me she was learning my habits. That was good. Intelligent ones like her always made the best pets, once they were broken. “There shall be four conditions under which a group of outsiders may leave your chamber without fighting you to the death. Each of these provides me with some amusement or benefit, but it will still prove a challenge to those with noble and righteous hearts.”

“What will those conditions be?”

“The first is that at least one member of the party succeeds in taking you by force, though I will accept using mind control magic to make you pliable as well. You, however, don’t need to agree with them taking this choice, and I fully encourage you to fight them as hard as you can to make them unable to carry it out. Of course, you’ll have a couple guardians to make this harder to accomplish, as well.”

“The second condition is that they provide me with tribute, in the form of items, spells, or enchantments I have not encountered before. The item must be either a reconditioned item of the old world, or a Masterwork-quality item of the new world.”

“The third condition is that one of their number becomes enslaved to me, as you are. Anyone who is already a slave or is otherwise not there of their free will is not eligible for this, unless I am consulted directly. It must be a free person that gives up their freedom, either voluntarily or by being sacrificed by their comrades.”

“The fourth condition is that they have performed some service directly for me, and present a token that I have given them to allow them safe passage. This, naturally, will not be something that happens often.”

I paused, and said, “Any questions?”

Dana was looking pale at this point, and said, “Will all the groups be informed of these conditions?”

“Oh, no. The first condition shall be revealed to a group only after they accomplish it, and the fourth shall be only revealed to those who have earned it. The other two, you may inform them or not at your discretion, unless I say otherwise. However, if you reveal one condition, you must reveal both of them. I think it will be much more fun that way, don’t you?”

Dana breathed a sigh of relief. She clearly was not so naïve as to think that revealing the first option would be anything but trouble for her. The two she could reveal, however, allowed her some discretion to try and save those who she wanted to save. “Yes, Master, that is for the best.”

“Good. I will change your binding now. The first floor is limited to five instances at a time, so there may be times when your consciousness will be split between instances. Once you’re used to the splitting, I’ll create a viewer so you can watch the instances and see your prey before they get to you. That will give you something better to judge them on when deciding whether to offer them a chance of escape without fighting.”

“Yes, Master.”


