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This one goes out to Rezz7399, who asked for a character to throw in the dungeon.

Chapter 11 – Experimentation

I was in the middle of some ‘science’ when I felt something the presence of intruders to my realm. Well, intruder, singular. Since the soldiers left a month ago, I’d been getting a lot of people coming to test themselves against my dungeon, usually in groups. I quickly passed level 3, and was already at level 4! For reasons I won’t even begin to pretend to understand, the XP needed to level up changed progression once I got that third level, but the amount of XP I got ‘passively’ from adventurers rose slightly, as though the System had been waiting until then to unlock things further. I didn’t pretend to understand it, but I was now just a little over 7k XP, and needed to get to 10k to hit level 5.

The soldiers had lived up to the other parts of their part of the bargain, as well, since I’d gotten a delivery of items the next day. The majority of the ‘tribute’ were weapons and gear a soldier might use, one of each item, but there were also utility items, such as multitools, flashlights, a laptop, a satellite dish, and a wi-fi router. Coincidentally, some of the ‘tomes’ they gave me included a book on computer science and one on electronics.

Some clever bastard was practically bribing me to set up an internet connection and wi-fi in my dungeon, to help aid communication, no doubt. Hmm. I could use that, maybe. I’d have to consider that, once I’d had some time to properly assimilate the news. And when I wasn’t dealing with an unusual solo intruder.

Looking outside, I saw a woman in brilliant blue robes standing in front of the entrance hut. If the cloak, staff, and pointy hat didn’t just scream to me that this woman was a mage of some kind, then the creature standing next to her certainly did. After all, only a magic user would have a water elemental bound to them and following them like a pet.


Felicity Duskwalker

High Elf Female

Level 10 Water Sorceress/Enchanter

Fair Market Value: $40000

One of the new skills I’d picked up was the ‘Appraise Value’ skill from my Profession. I found out she was a high elf, despite her ears being hidden by her hat, and she was apparently worth quite a bit on a slave market, if one could find such a thing. Probably due to the fact that she was a mage, and had the Enchanter profession. Oh, and not to mention those curves, with what looked to be at least a pair of Ds up top. With the long blonde hair falling down her back? Elven sorceress like something out of a fantasy painting.

And she was alone! I laughed to myself as I watched her brush off the two groups of men who asked her to join their party (more than one group had found out the hard way about the Enflaming Gas, and so having attractive members of the other sex around was always welcome in my dungeon), and stepped through the one-way door alone!

“Why would the great Duskwalker need any but her trusty elemental servant to deal with a bunch of level 3 and 4 monsters? I am, after all, the best mage in Miami. Plus, those bastards only want me along so they can ‘accidentally’ set off the traps. As if I hadn’t heard about the mist that causes parties to gangbang any woman foolish enough to join them. Bastards.”

As the woman stood in the ‘entrance hall’ of the dungeon, her robes shimmered, and then became less of a ‘this is what a prim and proper secretary would wear if she were a mage’ and more ‘hot elf sorceress’. Instead of robes, she was now wearing a blue gown under her cloak, with a very daring cut up either side almost to her waist, allowing her legs to move freely (and be seen freely). The top was a corset that just barely managed to contain her bouncing breasts, and the hat turned into something more like a tiara made out of ice.

“Ugh, finally. It is so stifling to have that illusion on all the time. But it is either that or wear normal clothes.” She shuddered at that prospect. “Only those who are worthy get to enjoy this view.”

My estimation of her changed slightly. She had seemed the cool, reserved, ice queen secretary type, the kind that freezes any attempts at flirting with a look cold enough to burn, and yet stays employed because they’re just too damn good at their job. But what kind of name was ‘Felicity Duskwalker’. She probably had it changed when she became an elf, to be more ‘fantasy-ish’. I’d ask her once I had played with her some.

It soon became apparent that there was a reason why the mage thought she could solo my dungeon. The majority of my monsters were in the level 3-4 range, but she was level 10, and it showed. Especially since she was a sorceress, and slimes were weak to magic, while the plants were either done in by her spells, or blasted apart by the elemental at her command. Even the gator, who I’d taken to calling Earl, was no match for their combo, especially since she knew a couple ice spells, and the cold-blooded gator was weak against ice.

The only thing she hadn’t planned a counter for, it seemed, was the Enflaming Gas. She’d managed to only get hit with it once, but as she collected herbs she was forced to get close to more than a few of the Herbs of Eros. She was almost to the safe room, and finally looked like she was running low on magic, which meant she’d need to rest. But I had upgraded the dungeon again since the soldiers, and there was now a guardian she’d have to get past for safety…

<Felicity POV>

The warnings about this dungeon mentioned the traps and the monsters, and that was more or less in line with what I saw. But the warnings about the pink mist were definitely not explicit enough! And there was obviously a connection between the mist and some of the herbs here. My entire body felt like it was on fire, but I couldn’t stop and ‘comfort’ myself, not out in the open like this. If I was done in by a slime because I was too busy with my fingers to keep watch, I’d never live it down, even in my next life!

I had purchased a basic map of the dungeon in town, apparently drawn by the soldiers they sent in here to check the place out. They said that there was a ‘safe zone’ up ahead where no monsters spawned or came in. I’d be able to relax there. I’d clear my head, have a soak in that hot spring, and then continue on to clear the dungeon.

There, that must be the door mentioned on the map! A steel vault door, perfect for keeping monsters out! Not a moment too soon! I seriously needed to quench this fire or I was going to go mad! How had those soldiers who first encountered the mist been able to endure it? I needed to get off!

I yelped in surprise as I suddenly tripped and fell forward, face first into the mud. Damnit, I was too distracted by my needy cunt to look where I was going! Ugh, these robes would be a pain to clean. Hopefully there was something for that in the safety room! I tried to get up, but shrieked as I was pulled backwards through the mud! I looked back and tried to scream, tried to cast a spell, tried to order my elemental to attack, but my body was frozen as I was dragged towards the creature. Oh no! Not that!

<Dungeon POV>

I laughed as I saw the pretty sorceress fall flat on her face in the mud. Well, at least she had those lovely breasts to help cushion the blow, right? But at this point, she was too hot and bothered by the aphrodisiacs in the dungeon to realize just what had tripped her.


Slime Lord

Level 6 Ooze

The Slime Lord was one of the evolutions you could get from slimes. It was actually one of the more common ones. About the size of a horse, the slime was pretty slow on the ground, but it didn’t need to move quickly since it could form its body into quick, rope-like tentacles that it used to grab prey. More sophisticated than the basic slimes, the Slime Lord rarely killed its prey outright, though I’m certain their victims would probably wish that they had.

You see, a Slime Lord was a Breeder type. Its primary purpose was to create new slimes. It did this by grabbing living creatures with its tentacles and, well, persuading them to take part in the process as a seedbed. It was aided by the fact that its slime contained a weak paralytic, robbing its victims of their ability to fight back. In other words, if you didn’t see it coming, you had to have allies who could help you out.

Unfortunately for the sorceress, it seemed that her elemental was less ‘ally’ and more ‘bound servant’. You know, the kind that responded to direct commands, because of the compulsions laid upon it, but usually resented being bound in that way so they didn’t lift a finger if they weren’t ordered to. And a paralyzed throat can’t speak commands. This is why you don’t go into a dungeon on your own.

The terror in the woman’s eyes was exquisite to behold. Watching her face as the tentacles slipped beneath the dress she wore and penetrated her, or when another tentacle forced its way down her throat, and they began fucking her in front of her elemental, while the being watched on passively was simply priceless. She could not speak, but she could scream, and she could moan, and the sounds of her shameful ecstasy and impotent rage were music to my ears.

But the Slime Lord was not known for playing with its food. It was quick, brutal, and savage, thrusting again and again into the woman, forcing her to ecstasy again and again before it unleashed itself within her, thoroughly seeding the woman. Her clothes had been torn from her body sometime during the rape, and her staff was lost in the muck. Naked, unarmed, and with only her elemental for company, she would be lucky to survive the dungeon. Of course, even if she was able to leave the dungeon, she would need to seek out a healer soon, or the baby slimes within her would consume her from the inside out as they grew.

Somehow, the woman managed to stagger to the safe room, and get inside. In a daze, she staggered towards the bath, and stepped in. It wasn’t until a few minutes later, as the shock of the situation ebbed away in the waters of the hot spring, that she broke down and began to cry.

<Felicia POV>

How could I have been so stupid! Not only did the dress I’d had specially made by someone with the Tailor profession and then enchanted myself get destroyed, but I’d lost all my other clothes, except what I had in my pack. My Staff of Frost was gone, as well, lost in the muck and the mud somewhere out there.

I shuddered, the fire that had been burning my body not long before turning to ice water in my veins as I began to realize how deeply fucked I was. If I managed to make it out of here on just backup gear, I’d still have to find a reliable healer to get rid of the baby slimes I could feel writhing around inside me. I’d heard what happened to Slime Lord ‘survivors’, and the gruesome deaths they had. Better to slit my own throat than die like that. I checked the watch that had been hidden in my bag, and did the math. I had about 24 hours to find a healer, or I was going to die.

“Unless you make a deal with someone who can prolong your life.”

I spun around in the bath, reflexively bringing my hands up to cover my chest. A man was sitting there in the bath with me! How did he get here? I was alone just a moment ago!

“Don’t bother working out how I got here. Just tell me, do you want to die, Sorceress, eaten alive from the inside out, or do you want a chance to live on, and gain more knowledge and power about this new world than you live in?”

Oh, the man smiled like a devil, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to die because I got knocked up by a slime! “Um, what kind of deal?”

“Oh simple, really. You serve me, like your elemental serves you, and I ensure that your tryst with the Slime Lord does not end you.”

I was so fucked!



Oh yes! In many ways