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Getting a little more ahead of this one: Prof. Tony Yates and I are planning to do our third sort-of-monthly live Zoom chat about recent news in Indo-European studies on Friday, November 3rd, at 12:00 p.m. U.S. Mountain time. The Zoom link is here(https://zoom.us/j/97608541202?pwd=OXZXdmozOC9hdU9oWFZjTlRsTzQzdz09) and the passcode is: 199077

I haven't seen any earth-shattering news so far this month, but something might come up, and Tony might have an update on the new Anatolian language by then. Otherwise come prepared with your Indo-European or Anatolian or other historical linguistics questions! 

All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford

P.S. Your Patreon messages often don't reach me, and vice versa for my replies to you. I don't get notifications for them, and there's nothing on my home page to show me when there is or isn't a message. I can't even always see them when I check for them manually, and you won't see it if I reply! The best ways to get in touch are: a) just to comment on posts like this, b) to post in the  Community page, or c) to email Stella at [admin AT JacksonWCrawford.com]--remember the 'W' between my first and last names in that domain name.



Heads up europeans, this is an hour earlier than normal. I think.