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First of all, our next Patreon interview that I have scheduled is with Dr. Colin Gorrie, the Old English teacher at the Ancient Language Institute (also something Luke Ranieri is affiliated with). He'll be talking to us about how he and other ALI instructors use innovative living-language methods to teach ancient languages, and it'll be a great chance to ask your questions about language-learning methods and how to attain your own goals. And perhaps to see if you want to hassle me to consider getting involved in ALI myself in some capacity at some point.

That interview is scheduled for Monday, September 25th, at 12:00 noon U.S. Mountain time (use timeanddate.com to search for the equivalent time in your local zone, using Denver for my time--be careful as some countries may go into standard time earlier than others this time of year, so I'd input the specific date). The zoom link is here( https://zoom.us/j/98085591364?pwd=dHd4dnNPMUc4NmZRMGRRQ1YrK0krUT09 ) and the passcode is: 843680.

After that, I'll do my usual Old Norse "office hours" for September the next day, on Tuesday, September 26th, at 12:00 noon U.S. Mountain time. The zoom link is here( https://zoom.us/j/95132002008?pwd=SEpvTUwySFJWSjk2K1FDdVoxVFJLQT09 ) and the passcode is: 577179.

I've also been reading about the new Patreon chat feature, which Patreon may have sent you an email about that looked like it was from me. I know as little about this as any of you do who are just finding out about it. I think this might be a nice boon to the community, but for now, as it's quite new (and I'm not sure it's even debuted on my Patreon page yet), I wouldn't use it to reach me or Stella for anything you *need* a response for. For that, I'd still make regular member posts (for as long as that feature is available) or email Stella at [admin AT JacksonWCrawford.com --remember the "W" between my first and last names]. 

In the meantime, between the Boulder Book Store event this Sunday September 17th and the talk in Loveland, Colorado on Friday September 22nd, I am going to be taking a *vacation (the word feels so weird for me to write that I feel that it's irresponsible linguistics not to represent it with an asterisk). Videos will probably still go up as usual because they're scheduled beforehand, but I'm going to be deliberately not working rather than either working, "relaxing" by working someone else, or not working because I crashed. So I will probably not be reachable next week, but don't feel sorry for me haha (though I'd appreciate if you'd cross your fingers for me that the *vacation does in fact end up happening).

All the best to everyone for now,

Jackson Crawford

P.S. Your Patreon messages often don't reach me, and vice versa for my replies to you. I don't get notifications for them, and there's nothing on my home page to show me when there is or isn't a message. I can't even always see them when I check for them manually, and you won't see it if I reply! The best ways to get in touch are: a) just to comment on posts like this, b) to post in the  Community page, or c) to email Stella at [admin AT JacksonWCrawford.com]--remember the 'W' between my first and last names in that domain name.



Wishing you a break that is relaxing, with no surprises or emergencies or anything else unwanted!


Looking forward to watching the interview on Monday. Have a good rest, you deserve it.