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We'll have another live interview with Dr. Krister Vasshus on Thursday, August 24th at 10:00 a.m. U.S. Mountain time. The Zoom link is here(https://zoom.us/j/96603301220?pwd=QTk5cjJ5WG8ybk1jSUI2c1hxNjNiZz09) and the passcode is: 821844

You might remember Krister Vasshus from our interview earlier this year when he discussed the "Idiberug" find (the oldest-known writing in runes announced in January). This time he'll be talking about a host of new bracteates with Elder Futhark inscriptions from the find initially announced in 2021 which includes the now-famous "He is Odin's man" inscription. So your bring your questions and fascination with runes for what will probably be a talk that includes some real news!

All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford

P.S. Your Patreon messages often don't reach me, and vice versa for my replies to you. I don't get notifications for them, and there's nothing on my home page to show me when there is or isn't a message. I can't even always see them when I check for them manually, and you won't see it if I reply! The best ways to get in touch are: a) just to comment on posts like this, b) to post in the  Community page, or c) to email Stella at [admin AT JacksonWCrawford.com]--remember the 'W' between my first and last names in that domain name.



I'm sure Krister had fascinating insights to share. I'm extremely annoyed I missed this interview. Things are busy at the moment. Thanks for organizing it Dr. C!


Jackson, FYI I've seen some other Patreon creators complain about a random glitch that erroneously declines some Paypal payments. This month you were one of them for me, so be aware that some of your other regular contributors may have gone inexplicably missing (my contributions to other creators went through just fine). I've checked and the payment has now gone through. In recognition of the excellent work that you do, I've also upgraded my tier. Kudos