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A reminder that we're minutes away from our live Patreon interview with Oxford's Prof. Carolyne Larrington. 

The Zoom link I'll be starting with (at 10:00 a.m. Mountain time) is https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/99137543986 with passcode: waywethink

In case that doesn't work, or if it fails on us during the broadcast (CU is doing some maintenance and this might affect their Zoom services), we'll switch to https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81163123355 with passcode: waywethink

I'll hope to see you there! And hope for no technical problems, but in planning for them we might forestall them.

Jackson Crawford



Hate my work schedule I would of loved to attend this. Hopefully next time.


Can’t wait to hear the recording 🙏🏼