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Greetings all,

I finally was allowed to log in to Patreon from my phone (but I have only a dim cell signal right now). I’ve completed an incredible week spent in Iceland, with videos filmed in such places as Snorri Sturluson’s pool at Reykholt, the magnificent waterfall Selfoss, and of course (the no. 1 attraction for me), the 1200s- and 1300s- manuscripts at the Árni Magnússon Center at the University of Iceland. I very much look forward to getting those videos edited and uploaded for you. I made some particularly information-rich videos with Prof. Haukur Þorgeirsson, covering both Grágás (Iceland’s earliest law code, pictured here) and the Prose Edda (on which subject Haukur is the world’s top authority—he and his father will soon have the ultimate edition of the Old Norse text published in the celebrated Íslenzk Fornrit series).

I have one leg of my trip left, taking advantage of the rare opportunity to indulge my hobby and participate in a shooting match in Finland with my friend Ian McCollum (of the famed Youtube channel Forgotten Weapons). Ian and I have been mutual fans for a long time and also traveled in Iceland together. The shooting material has been even less popular on my channel than the dinosaur material, so probably little of it will wind up there; maybe a highlight reel if I hear there’s some interest.

Stella has been taking a well-merited vacation during this last period as well, so we have both been slow on replies. But I assure you that if you give us some time, we will do our utmost to reply to all communications from you that we see (remember that messages on Patreon don’t work, however).

I was very gratified to meet many of you in Oslo, Stockholm, and Reykjavík, and I was shocked to be recognized by several strangers in Reykjavík, including by a Patreon supporter who hadn’t seen the posts here about my trip. 

Speaking of surprise, Hackett and I never expected the boxed sets to sell out as quickly as they did, and Hackett is planning to print some more now (probably distinct from the original 400 in some way, but I will sign these as well). For those of you in Australia, by the way, Hackett will plan to send some of the new print run there. They ask anyone interested to request availability updates on Hackett’s website (I would love to give you a specific link, but knowing Patreon, this window will crash if I so much as look over my shoulder).

For now, overwhelmed and grateful for your kindness and support, I’m wishing you all the best.

Jackson Crawford




I’m always here for dinosaurs 🦖


I had no idea that Ian knew about Dr. Crawford! (I'm not at all surprised that Dr. Crawford enjoys Ian's channel). Now I really want to see a collaboration between these two. Maybe something about the words used for various parts of firearms in Germanic languages... like, why do we call it a 'bolt?' Anyway, if Dr. Crawford is taking part in Finnish Brutality, I hope we will get to see footage of this! On one channel or the other.


I did shoot in Finnish Brutality (I finished 82/134). I don't have a ton of footage but between Ian and me we'll have some content about my experience there, probably more on his channel.