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In the world of getting attention on the internet, I'm small-potatoes. Nonetheless I have slowly built up a little bit of recognition among those interested in the subjects I talk about, and occasionally I'm asked to endorse (or occasionally to denounce) an organization, product, person, or book.

I'm pretty reluctant to do so for organizations, especially Ásatrú/heathen organizations. I think I've made it fairly clear that I'm not Ásatrú myself, and I can't imagine endorsing, or picking favorites between, organizations dedicated to a religion I don't practice. I abhor anti-Semitism and racism, and reject groups that promote such attitudes. Most don't. But it would be inappropriate and misleading for me to claim to advise or "authenticate" any of them anyway.

This has been on my mind because of a recent surge in claims that I am working with a certain William (or Liam) Meader or a specific Ásatrú/heathen society on a book. Now I don't know why these claims are surging right now, or even if that individual is the one ultimately behind them. But I'm annoyed at how fast these rumors travel, since they represent (I guess) the hope that I will knight some stranger's endeavor or even collaborate on it. Not only is it patently false that I would endorse some specific Ásatrú/heathen organization or book, but anyone who knows me more than superficially knows that I'm prickly about the thought of putting together a simple meal with someone else. I work best alone.

I do "endorse" books and the work of certain scholars, of course, usually because I've benefited from them myself and I think you can, too. On the other hand, there are books out there that accrue royalties to people who have wronged me or who I've had serious misgivings about. But it does me no good to campaign against them; I have only so much breath and I'd rather use it to breathe the names of people who do good work. Besides, true or not, if I smear other people I make it a lot easier (and more tempting) to smear me. I'd rather do good for the good than bad for the bad--I think it makes more of a difference in the long term, and in the short term it gives me less cause to be frustrated.

So I'm happy to say that a book or a YouTube channel is good, or that someone generally does good work. But if you see claims that I have endorsed an organization, or that I'm co-authoring some secret book--or that I've issued some passionate public denunciation of some specific organization or person--rest assured that it's untrue (or ask, if in doubt). 

For now, thank you as always for your continued generosity and kindness, and please know that you have my very best wishes,

Jackson Crawford

P.S. To get in touch, we still request that you email Stella at admin AT JacksonWCrawford.com or post in the Community page. Patreon Messages do not work, and if you have sent one to me, it is likely I never got a notification for it or saw it.



If only people actually took the words of the books they tout as gospel to heart. You said it best yourself: “I wish more damn fools would just keep their mouths shut. If they did, we might not realize just how many goddamned fools there are in this old world.”


In a weird way, I'm excited that you've come so far that people have begun to use and abuse your good name for their own purposes. You know something has value when other people are trying to steal it.