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If you are planning on attending the Boulder Book Store event Wednesday, please let me know either by commenting on this post or emailing Stella at admin@jacksonwcrawford.com (please DON'T use Patreon messages--I probably won't get notifications for them!). Please include if you are bringing anyone else (I don't need their names, just a number, in that case). The bookstore does require that you have a ticket (available at the link above). I want to make sure that Boulder Book Store lets you in, in case the event is either sold out or they have to restrict attendance based on covid regulations.

Also: if you are interested in the Crowdcast with Dr. Helle Horsnæs, there is a possibility it will have to be rescheduled. I will leave the registration as is for now, just wanted to make sure it didn't shock you if I had to change it or retract it.

This is going to be a crazy week, so I'll be slower on communications than my usual slow. I look forward to meeting any of you who can make it to the bookstore event, and I'm truly grateful to all of you for your continued kindness and support.

All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford


Jackson Crawford -- "Two Sagas of Mythical Heroes" | Boulder Book Store

Jackson Crawford will speak about and sign his new book, Two Sagas of Mythical Heroes, on Wednesday, October 20th at 6:30pm at Boulder Book Store. Tickets for this event are $5 (plus a small processing fee) and are available on Eventbrite HERE or by clicking the button below.


Cameron Paterson

'Two Sagas of Mythical Heroes' has slipped into "temporarily out of stock" limbo on Amazon (UK) already, while it's "currently unavailable" on Book Depository. Pre-ordering on the latter more than a month ago doesn't seem to have made any difference. All very similar to events last time round. Ah well 🙃 I can read the Kindle version in the meantime


Lucky dogs! Tell us how it went later.


I got mine from Hackett a couple of weeks ago. Much more expensive, but I wanted hardcover and it was the only site offering hardcover. Softcover as well.

Cameron Paterson

Are you in the UK then? My resolve to hang on and not order from the US may wobble if there is a lengthy delay with physical copies, as there was with The Wanderer's Havamal


No. I don't know why I never figured out you are in the UK. I'm in the U.S.