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Professor Ármann Jakobsson has asked me to inquire if you'd submit some questions you're planning to ask him during our live Crowdcast interview with him on Saturday. You will be welcome to submit spontaneous questions during the interview too, but he'd like a chance to get some answers ready, especially on questions about the topic we're going to focus on (the history of Icelandic literature). So if you know you're going to ask him something, or want me to ask it for you in your absence, just post your question in the comments on this post and I'll share it with him.

EDIT: Here's a better link to my interview on Icelandic news, with an accompanying write-up.

All the best for now,

Jackson Crawford



I’m interested in getting another pup. I’d like to know if you have any easy to pronounce nordic names you’d call your dog? (Oden is out... my friend has an Oden)


This is probably a pretty complex question, but I wonder what Professor Jakabsson makes of the use of sagas (saga heroes, saga-like exploits, etc.) in contemporary Icelandic literature to comment on or critique modern social and political issues. I have in mind particularly Laxness' "Gerpla" and Sjon's "Skugga-Baldur."


Snati is the quintessential Icelandic dog name. I also recommend Vinur (Friend) and Drengur (used to meen honor, now means boy). Both are masculine


In America or the USA If I named him Snati (which I kinda like, most people here would be calling him Snotty as in buggar nose... Vinur - I like as with Drengur.. (wonder if how many would remember how to say it properly?) Thanks... If you think others please post...