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I was on the nightly news in Iceland today. You be the judge of how I came across, haha.

Speaking of Iceland, there's still plenty of time to sign up for our live crowdcast with Professor Ármann Jakobsson in a few days! Stella posted a great reading list of his works in the comments under the original announcement.

All the best for now, and thank you for your continued support,

Jackson Crawford

Communication Problems UPDATE Sept. 10, 2021: The issue  with Patreon messages remains unresolved (I still don't get most of  them, and supporters don't seem to get my replies). However, we do want  to hear from you. If you send an email to us at admin AT JacksonWCrawford.com, please include the word "patreon" in the subject title (or in your name, on the contact form),  as that address gets a lot of email and we do try to prioritize  Patrons' emails. Stella and I both also see your posts on the community  page.


Slær í gegn á YouTube með íslenskri miðaldakennslu - Vísir

Bandarískur doktor í norrænum fræðum hefur gefið kennslu í háskólum upp á bátinn og snúið sér að því að framleiða aðgengilegt kennsluefni fyrir almenning á Youtube. Þar heldur hann meðal annars úti tímum í fornnorrænni tungu.


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