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Our next Crowdcast will feature me and my assistant Stella, well-known to many of you for superior skill in tracking down just about any reference that can be found and in answering many of your other questions. We'll look forward to hanging out with anyone who can come and taking your questions about anything from scholarly matters to the state of our work on Youtube/Patreon or just about anything else. We did this once before in early 2020 and it was a good time. 

This one will be this Friday, January 29th, at 1:00 p.m. U.S. Mountain time (check the registration link for the time in your own local area).

As usual, if you find that you can't come after registering, we'd appreciate if you could unregister so as to open up the space for someone else. 

Thank you for your continued support!

Jackson Crawford

EDIT: Just as a reminder, there is still something wrong with patreon messages and I am seldom getting notifications for them (I also seldom remember to check for them manually). It is much more reliable to get in contact with us via Stella's e-mail at admin AT jacksonwcrawford.com 


Patreon Crowdcast with Stella! - Crowdcast

Register now for Jackson Crawford's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Friday January 29, 2021 at 1:00 pm MST.


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