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Our Crowdcast today with Hurstwic's William R. Short went very well. He presented a wealth of his team's findings about how Vikings fought on ships, and the how and why of raiding by ship. Thanks to everyone who showed up and brought great questions, including some that we'll get back to in a more dedicated ship-building Crowdcast with him in the future that we're already planning.

By the way, the writer on ships that he recommended toward the end of our discussion was Ole Crumlin-Pedersen at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde. He also asked that I share with you that museum's website, where you can read more about their active program in experimental archaeology.

I've found this topic so compelling that I've also approached my good friend Jon, a career Navy veteran, about doing a Crowdcast before long about the modern U.S. Navy. I think there might well be some intriguing parallels to discuss there.

Mossbrucker reports today that he thinks he's well and ready to do our rescheduled Crowdcast with him on Thursday. We'll look forward to your dinosaur and fossil questions!

If you're interested in video games, I can also whet your appetite with the news that Darby McDevitt, Narrative Director of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, has committed to doing a Crowdcast with us, probably in early December (we still have to work out some of the details with Ubisoft P.R.). Darby and I appeared together in an interview with YouTube channel Invicta recently, and tomorrow he and I will be interviewed by IGN, which I'm told is a big gaming news site (I assume that interview, or whatever they do with it, will be out pretty shortly afterwards).

For now, thank you for your kind support, and all the best,

Jackson Crawford



That was so interesting. William’s book on the Icelanders was one of the first I bought when I first rekindled my interest in Viking history and I’d throughly recommend it. Thank you both for the talk and yes would be great to add another more specific one about the ships. The topic is endless.

NN Thomas

Your Crowdcast with Matthew T. Mossbrucker is an early start for Australians ACT, NSW, Tasmania & Victoria 6 am Queensland 5 am South Australia 4:30 am Northern Territory 3:30 am Western Australia 3 am What's the reason for limiting who can reply to your Tweets, Dr Crawford?


As someone who is in MST but actually works/lives on a schedule much closer to Australia's (although for most of it I'm working/commuting), I do sympathize and certainly when it's possible we do try to vary the times of the Crowdcasts to more 'ideal' schedules for various timezones. Unfortunately Australia's one of the harder ones to do that for when necessarily working with the schedules of the guests Dr. Crawford invites, but we'll definitely keep it in mind for the future, especially with ones that we have a little more control of the timing on (such as ones with just Dr. Crawford). As far as the second question goes, I'm not completely sure it's relevant to Patreon since it's Dr. Crawford's personal social media account, nor would I want to speak on his behalf for that reason, but as someone who has utilized the same privacy function as well as others on Twitter and elsewhere, I suspect it just makes the platform more streamlined and enjoyable for him.