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Announcing our second Patreon-exclusive Crowdcast interview with William R. Short of Hurstwic! Monday, November 16th, at 1:00 p.m. U.S. Mountain time (the time ought to display in your local timezone if you are logged in to Crowdcast at the link above).

William R. Short is the manager of Hurstwic, "an organization that researches, practices, teaches, and demonstrates the fighting moves of Viking-age warriors."

As Dr. Short tells me in a recent email, "we are ... a research-based organization that is interested in all things Vikings. We use the scientific approach, and layers of many sources to learn more about all aspects of Viking life, history, and culture. We are proud of the integrity of our research and of our organization."

In this Crowdcast, which he titles "Blood of Ymir: Viking Combat at Sea," Dr. Short will present some of the relevant research his team at Hurstwic has done on Viking naval fighting, and take your questions on related topics.


Blood of Ymir: Viking Combat at Sea - Crowdcast

Register now for Jackson Crawford's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Monday November 16, 2020 at 1:00 pm MST.



That is going to be such an interesting Crowdcast! Is it terrible of me to admit that I would rather be there than in a classroom trying to persuade less-than-enthusiastic freshmen of the joys of reading Chekhov?? Sorry to have to miss!


Imagine how they'd complain if they had to read it in the original!