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The closest I could find to a theme shared by the two videos I ran this week, one that looked at what we can see of the transitional period between Elder Futhark and Younger Futhark runes [Youtube] [Vimeo], and one that urged my fellow Ph.D.'s to take our teaching outside of the university because university jobs are disappearing and won't come back [Youtube] [Vimeo], was "times past." So the Patreon vocabulary this week focuses on talking about periods of time and the words for "old."

By the way, those videos were filmed not very far apart and only five days apart, and yet they look six months apart.

Don't forget that our next Patreon-exclusive Crowdcast is this Wednesday, with WIlliam R. Short of Hurstwic answering your questions about Viking combat and weapons!

All the best for now from a Colorado rapidly oscillating between one day of summer-like heat and another day of five-inch snowfalls, and then back again,

Jackson Crawford


Patreon Vocabulary 4: Times Past



We still use many of these words (or very similar) here in Sweden. BTW, dräng (drengr) is still used a lot but is used as a word for a male helping hand on a farm and even as a word for servant, slave. Didn't know val translated to dead but makes sense now as I daily drive by valsgärde and valskog. Valsgärde as dead field and Valskog as deadwood. Love living here in Uppsala :)


"A long, long time ago . . . I can still remember how that music used to make me smile." -D. McLean Apologies to everyone, but there's a storm coming my way, and the winds are scary. So I've been doing a little drinking! Thought I'd catch up on my unlocked rewards while I'm at it.