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Henrik Williams has kindly directed my attention to some supplementary material from their study of the Rök runestone that didn't make it into the article discussed in my video Friday, located at the link above.


The Rök Runestone and the End of the World

The Rök runestone inscription is not connected to heroic deeds in war. Instead it deals with the conflict between light and darkness, warmth and cold, life and death. This radically new interpretation of the world's most famous Viking Age runic monument is suggested by Per Holmberg, Bo Gräslund, Olof Sundqvist and Henrik Williams in their article The Rök Runestone and the End of the World in the current issue of Futhark.



This is great! Thanks.


As a side note as well for anyone who's checking this out and has any sort of interest in runes: Futhark is actually a full journal of international rune studies, and they are gracious enough to make all their past issues open access, so it's an amazing resource for reputable runology from the leading experts in the field. Available issues can be found under the "Issues" tag in the top right corner, or you can just click here: http://futhark-journal.com/issues/