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Many of you have reached out in various ways following my announcement on Dec. 19th that I'm leaving my department at CU and taking a risk to see if I can support myself with my public education efforts when I have enough time to focus on them exclusively. I've really appreciated the personal stories, the encouragement, and the plain old kind words in a time when naturally there is a lot of tension and uncertainty. Rest assured that, however absent-minded I may be, I count nothing as a greater miracle in my life than that you all individually have taken the time not only to help me support myself, but to help me start seeing myself  not as a failed tenure-track professor, but as a success at something different and new. 

Thank you, and all the best,

Jackson Crawford




Thank you so much Dr. Crawford! I just joined your patreon today as an erilaz donator. I honestly believe that what you are doing is the proper step moving forward in our quest to educate our society. I was myself very disenfranchised by how I saw the education system forced us to pay for classes we didn’t want, while also simultaneously preventing us from taking classes we DID want. And also how the best professors always seemed to be subjected to the educational hierarchy’s rules and thus struggle financially, etc. I can not elaborate further here, but I always thought there was a better way to learn, and if we could just get employers to accept certifications/degrees/etc. from non-traditional sources, we could take our learning power back from the institution and place it where it belongs—in our own hands. I believe that what you are doing is the answer. I want to support this agenda and I feel that we need to coax other professors to follow your lead. We need to pay professors we value directly and support them as we should, without the middle man of an educational system forcing them to dance to a bad tune. I also value your sense of humor tremendously, and listening to as well as reading your way of viewing the world, carved as it is throughout your fantastic videos and books, has been helping me through the most difficult time in my life so far. I simply cannot convey enough how much I value what you are doing it and how you are doing it. I only hope that when I make it to your neck of the woods, perhaps we could grab a beer and talk about the relationship between Sanskrit, my other favorite language, and Old Norse. Wishing you all the best


Having worked most of my life in Higher Ed, I finally left because I was disillusioned at what the Oregon state system had become. We were mainly hiring adjunct profs to keep from paying tenure track salaries, so we had more money to pay administrators. It was becoming a pitiful state of affairs. I am glad to see someone take a leap of faith and use their education and experience to educate more than just those we can afford to be indebted by and to a higher education institution. Thank you for taking the chance.